What Every Financial Counselor Needs to Know About Student Debt!

Taking More TimeIn the advisor-client relationship student loans are taking up more and more time and due to the inherent complexities are creating some anxiety and confusion for all involved. Understanding the nuances of the federal student loan system and its loan repayment options are essential for all advisors, who...

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Student Loan Essentials

Student loans have become an important part of the advisor/client relationship. Most clients, and most advisors, however, find student loans confusing and difficult to manage. This post will walk you through the essentials that all advisors need to understand about student loans.  Types of Loans Student loans fall into one...

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First-Gen Financial Aid Tips: Understanding Some Infamous Acronyms

On Friday November 8, 2019 colleges and universities across the U.S. celebrated the 3rd annual First-Generation College Celebration Day!1 As a first-generation student who has worked with fellow first-generation students, I know there are many terms used in higher education whose meaning is not easily understood by every student and...

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On the Road to Zero, Strategy is Key

The road to zero – the path you’ll take to pay your federal student loans down to zero – takes strategy and planning.  To create a successful strategy, you will need to reflect on your personal, professional and financial goals as well as your current financial situation.While it may seem...

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