#Friday Follow: Disrupting Historical Patterns

Scott Henderson is a Texas-based AFC® working full-time at a financial planning firm while pursuing his Master’s Degree and running a business and website called Simplifinances. Scott’s vision is to help young people and middle-class Americans simplify their finances so they can start living a life of financial independence. AFCPE: What inspired you...

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Three steps to rise above the debt spiral

As a personal financial counselor, I often meet with clients who find themselves in a spiral of debt and don’t know how to get out of it. The debt spiral is when someone takes on debt and then gets behind on their payments. After trying different tactics, with little success,...

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Debt Collection: Know the Abuses…and Your Rights

With consumers relying more and more on financing, debt collection has become a major problem for Americans. In January 2017 alone, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) received 7,730 complaints about debt collection, far more than the complaints received for any other financial product or service by a margin of over...

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