2024 AFCPE® Invitation to Present
Submissons are now closed.
Help us make this our strongest program yet!
We are looking for a variety of presentations for our in person and virtual audiences. When you submit your proposal, you’ll have the opportunity to indicate the delivery method you prefer:
In Person Session – Prerecorded OnDemand Session – In Person Poster Presentation
*If submission is accepted, delivery method may not be accommodated based on schedule and space availability. An alternate delivery method may be offered.
Submission Checklist (details below)
- Choose your Session Type
- Choose Delivery Method
- Create:
- Title
- Description
- Learning objectives
- Write session proposal or abstract
- Gather submission information
- Create your Submission Profile (Opens 3/15)
- Enter required information
- Submit by
Friday,May 10Tuesday, May 14
Accepted presenters will be notified early August.
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If your proposal is accepted:
- All presenters are required to register for and attend the 2024 AFCPE Symposium.
- Accepted presenters in the initial submission will receive a 25% discount on AFCPE Symposium Registration. (Maximum three discounted registrations per submission)
- Symposium scholarship opportunities are available. The scholarship application will open June 15 through July 15.
The AFCPE Symposium is a unique experience bringing together professionals across financial education, research, and practice. We want your voice to be heard! We are seeking presenters for the 2024 AFCPE Symposium being held on November 20 – 22 at the Hilton Columbus Downtown.
Symposium submission topics should be relevant to personal finance, financial education, and/or financial counseling. Topic areas can include, but are not limited to:
- Communication and counseling skills, including psychology of money, behavioral finance, teaching delivery, etc.
- Working with economically vulnerable populations, including the unbanked, seniors, and those transitioning out of prison.
- Regulatory changes, including SECURE Act 2.0, the sunsetting of the 2017 tax law, student loans updates, etc.
- Current events, including cryptocurrency, fintech, inflation, etc.
- Advanced topics, including estate planning, alternative financial services, frauds/scams, etc.
Session Types
The Symposium Task Force will consider 4 session types of proposals:
- Putting It into Practice: Innovation, Updates, and Ideas
- Research to Practice
- Research Paper
- Student Research Paper*
*Applicants must be current university or college students studying full-time at the undergraduate (at least 12 credits), graduate (at least 9 credits), or PhD (at least 3 credits) level. If a student is currently enrolled at an AFCPE Registered Education Program, full and part-time students at any level of study may apply.
If Accepted: The student will receive a Symposium Student Scholarship, covering the cost of registration.
Please note: Student Research Paper submissions are considered to present during a breakout session

Session Type: Putting It into Practice: Innovation, Updates, and Ideas
Practical applications in financial counseling and education. Can include tools, resources, industry updates, new approaches, innovative techniques, and/or successful partnerships. Previously named Practitioner’s Forum.
These sessions provide an opportunity for you to exchange ideas, gather feedback, and expand your impact. Putting it Into Practice session types can:
- Describe financial counseling, coaching, planning, or education programs or strategies
- Present a workshop on new practical tools and techniques or marketing approaches
- Share successful partnerships, e.g., How local needs were addressed or how funds were assembled to support a program/project
Guide for Putting It into Practice session proposal
- Maximum 2 pages, double spaced (4,000 characters including spaces)
- Suggested structure
- Introduction
- Intended audience, if applicable
- Expertise level: beginner/overview, intermediate/advanced
- Goal and/or purpose of session
- Planned presentation style (examples: lecture, panel, etc.)
- Overview/summary of information that will be presented
- Helpful hints
- Ensure that your presentation can be completed within 50 minutes, including Q&A
- Evaluate proposal using rubrics
- Double-check grammar and spelling
- Have someone else read it over to verify accuracy of content and/or narrative flow
- Examples: Putting It into Practice, Research to Practice
Session Type: Research Paper
Symposium papers include reports of research, comprehensive reviews of the literature, or description and/or evaluation of an educational or counseling/coaching methodology or program.
What makes the AFCPE Symposium so unique is that your audience is made up of practitioners, educators, and researchers.
By presenting your research here, you'll receive recognition and insights from fellow researchers, and also inform the practical side of our field with your findings, thus opening opportunity for future research.
For this reason, if selected, we encourage you to frame your presentation a little differently. Focus on key findings and implications for practice.
Guide for Research Paper abstract
- 25 double-spaced pages in 12-point, Times New Roman font, not including citations or references (48,000 characters including spaces)
- Use the following format:
- Title
- Background
- Purpose
- Conceptual background or theory (if any)
- Hypotheses or research questions
- Methodology (data source, sample characteristics, variables, analysis)
- Results and discussion with financial counseling and planning implications
- Charts and images must be combined into a single image file to upload
- Example: Research Poster
Session Type: Research to Practice
Research to Practice presentations should demonstrate effective collaboration of researcher and practitioner to advance the field and elevate the standards.
This might be a practitioner who is working closely with a researcher to implement successful research findings
This might be a researcher who is collaborating with a practitioner to further test their hypothesis and methodologies.
It is through the integration of research, education, and practice that the AFCPE community improves the economic well-being of individuals and families worldwide.
Guide for Research to Practice session proposal
- Maximum 2 pages, double spaced (4,000 characters including spaces)
- Suggested structure
- Introduction
- Intended audience, if applicable
- Expertise level: beginner/overview, intermediate/advanced
- Goal and/or purpose of session
- Planned presentation style (examples: lecture, panel, etc.)
- Overview/summary of information that will be presented
- Helpful hints
- Ensure that your presentation can be completed within 50 minutes, including Q&A
- Evaluate proposal using rubrics
- Double-check grammar and spelling
- Have someone else read it over to verify accuracy of content and/or narrative flow
- Examples: Putting It into Practice, Research to Practice
Submission Type: Student Research Paper
This year we are offering full-time undergraduate or graduate students an opportunity to submit a Student Paper.
Any student submission accepted will receive a Student Scholarship, which includes:
- Complimentary registration to attend the 2024 AFCPE Symposium, November 20 - 22, 2024
Guide for Student Research Paper abstract
- 25 double-spaced pages in 12-point, Times New Roman font, not including citations or references (48,000 characters including spaces)
- Use the following format:
- Title
- Background
- Purpose
- Conceptual background or theory (if any)
- Hypotheses or research questions
- Methodology (data source, sample characteristics, variables, analysis)
- Results and discussion with financial counseling and planning implications
- Charts and images must be combined into a single image file to upload
- Example: Research Poster
Delivery Method
Only 1 preferred delivery method may be selected:
- 50-minute presentation: In-person breakout session during Symposium in Columbus, Ohio.
- Poster:
- Posters should be approximately 24” x 36” (maximum 45” x 45”) and will be displayed during Symposium in Columbus, Ohio.
- Presenters will need to provide a one-page PDF of their poster by October 31, 2024.
- There will be a time for poster presenters to interact with in person attendees at a special poster session during the Symposium. Presenters may also upload an optional 5-minute pre-recorded presentation by October 31, 2024, to supplement the poster PDF on the virtual platform.
- Additional details for poster session will be provided for accepted proposals.
- On-Demand: (limited availability) 50 min prerecorded session with Q&A through the virtual platform chat (asynchronously). On-Demand Presenters are required to register and attend the in-person or virtual 2024 Symposium.
Create Title, Description, and Learning Objectives
- Title, as will be listed in the program
- Shorter is better
- Use plain language
- Description, as will be listed in the program
- 2-3 sentences
- Clearly and concisely explain what the session will be about
- Be engaging; descriptions may include humor, statistics, and/or questions
- Learning objectives and key takeaways are included in the program and are used to submit sessions for continuing education
- 2-3 learning objectives per session
- Should be a clear and concise answer to: what are the takeaways from the session?
- Format for each objective: “Attendees will: ____________”
- Example: “Attendees will be educated on updates to the credit industry.”
Criteria for Evaluation
Applies to all submission types:
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All submissions are reviewed anonymously by five reviewers. Do not include any identifying information. (i.e. names, organizations, universities, etc.)
The list of topics of interest below is not exhaustive.
Research Papers and Posters:
Authors of accepted proposals are expected to submit their final, revised manuscripts in the correct format for publication to the Proceedings* by September 30, 2024.
For Research Papers, the maximum length is 25 double-spaced pages, including tables, charts, figures, BUT citations and references may be in addition to maximum page limit. Paper submissions should follow APA Guidelines. Tables, charts, and figures should be integrated into the text, and the body of the paper should start immediately under the abstract. In addition, running heads will not be used. All pages should be numbered. Pay special attention to section headings, citations within the text, and references.
Putting It into Practice: Innovation, Updates, and Ideas
Authors of accepted submissions are invited to submit a two-page summary of their presentation for the Proceedings. This deadline is September 30, 2024.
Why submit to the proceedings as a practitioner?
Because it’s a great way to ensure your findings and ideas are available to each and every Symposium participant, regardless if they are able to view your presentation in person.
*Examples: 2022 Proceedings, 2021 Proceedings, 2020 Proceedings
AFCPE’s Commitment to Diversity & Inclusion:
“Diversity and inclusion ensure a safe, positive, nurturing, and tolerant environment with mutual respect, free of prejudice. They celebrate differences, including those visible and invisible, in addition to thoughts and opinions that are essential for the involvement and empowerment of our society.”
– Definition established by AFCPE Diversity & Inclusion Task Force
At AFCPE, every decision we make goes through an equity screen. Here are the questions we ask ourselves when making decisions. Before submitting, make sure your submission has a lens of inclusion.
All submissions are reviewed anonymously by five reviewers. Do not include any identifying information. (i.e. names, organizations, universities, etc.
A $500 award will be granted to the highest scoring:
- Putting It into Practice: Innovation, Updates, and Ideas
- Research Paper
- Student Research Paper
- Poster
Additionally, an award for “Best Symposium Research to Practice Collaboration” is available for this category which includes a monetary award of $1,500 and up to 2 complimentary registrations to participate in the 2024 AFCPE Symposium.
This award is generously sponsored by National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE).

Deadline to submit: Friday, May 10, 2024 Extended to May 14th!
Breakout speakers will be confirmed early August
Putting It into Practice Questions:
erin.deville_brown.ctr@us.af.mil, willa@mytfcoach.com, pmuldoon@nefe.org, charlagrover@yahoo.com
Research Paper Questions:
badarius1@gmail.com, miabrussell@gmail.com
Research to Practice Questions:
Student Research Paper Questions:
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