Tools & Resource Review: Self Lender

Before I start, I want to give you a heads up. I am not being compensated to write this blog post. But in full disclosure, I am compensated by Self Lender to write personal finance articles for so we do work together. Although I’m extremely grateful for the professional...

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Bridging the Gap through Credit Building

A good credit history is crucial in today’s economy. Far more than just a number, a good credit score is a prerequisite for everyday financial services like a low-cost credit card, a bank account or car loan. A good credit history can make the difference in accessing the affordable lending...

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Poor Credit History? There Are Ways to Recover

In an ideal world, everyone could afford to pay cash for all items. Until that day arrives, establishing and maintaining good credit is important, because often we need credit to purchase high-priced items such as houses, cars and furniture. Maybe you had some tough times in the past and now...

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How Financial Counseling Professionals Can Help Millennials Save for Retirement

Saving for retirement has always been a challenge, but it's harder than ever for many Americans today. One in three people have no retirement savings at all, and more than half of all adults have saved $10,000 or less. When it comes to millennials, however, the news is more mixed. According...

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A Thorough Conversation: “Should I get a credit card?”

It’s a question our younger clients ask regularly, and it’s one I have received recently from my children. The quick and easy answer might be, “Yes, of course you must obtain a credit card to build your credit!”. And, while establishing credit is a chapter firmly entrenched in the book...

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Money, Debt & the Law 102: A Look at the National Landscape

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, or CFPB, recently issued it's Monthly Complaint Report for August 2015. The CFPB is the first federal agency that is totally focused on consumer financial protection. Consumer complaints are an integral and increasingly significant part of that work. Over the past 4 years, the agency has...

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Money Pools: A Non-Traditional Savings and Capital System

As financial counselors, coaches and educators, it is important to recognize and understand various systems of saving and investing that culturally diverse populations and the underbanked might use.  The use of money pools might not be the first choice that a financial professional might recommend to a client, but if...

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Credit Building: A Powerful Strategy for Financial Practitioners

A good credit history is crucial in today’s economy. Far more than just a number, a good credit score can make the difference in being able to access the affordable lending products necessary to go to college, buy a home, or start and grow a small business. Renting an apartment,...

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