In this week’s episode, we get to know Robin Hauser: an award-winning documentary filmmaker and a keynote speaker at the 2022 AFCPE Symposium. Her film, $avvy, was inspired by her own personal experience with money. It led her to wonder, why do women tend to abdicate major financial decisions to someone else (often the man in their life)? And why is that so dangerous?
Our hosts and Robin talk about the power of storytelling and its ability to eliminate shame and increase empathy. We also address the subtle microaggressions that women face even today, and how we can ensure that women feel included in the personal finance space. Tune in, and don’t miss the screening at #AFCPE2022 by registering to attend today.
Show Notes:
1:58 How Robin got into documentary filmmaking
4:40 What to expect during Robin’s session
6:30 How counselors can utilize video to spread their impact
8:55 What is the likability dilemma
11:39 Increasing women in a male-dominated industry
15:31 Robin’s 2 cents
Show Note Links:
- $avvy documentary
- Robin’s Ted Talk: Likability Dilemma
- UBS Study that Robin referenced regarding women believing men know more about money
- Robin’s Website
- McKinsey study about the transfer of wealth from men to women
Powerful and so exciting she will be at the symposium. Thank you for introducing me to Robin.