Episode 57:

A Deep Dive Into Student Loans and the PSLF with Rita Green, Ed.D. AFC®


This week, we’re talking all about student loans with Rita Green, Ed.D. AFC®. Rita is an AFCPE board member and new author of How to Survive a Personal Financial Pandemic. In this episode, we dive straight into the Public Student Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program and all the requirements of this program and how you may be able to take advantage of the waiver by October, and so many more insights regarding all types of student loans.

Regardless of whether you’re listening for yourself or learning more for your clientele, Rita is a natural educator who provides incredible insights into the world of loans and navigating them during this time. Take a listen, and then take action!

Show Notes:
1:38 Rita’s background story
2:29 How Rita discovered the AFC® certification
4:05 What is the PSLF program?
5:20 Who is considered “public service”?
9:08 What if your loans are older and you’ve been paying them for a while?
11:39 Advice for recent graduates
12:56 Resources Rita can share with us
16:23 Where to go if your situation is a bit more complicated
17:25 Types of student loans
20:26 Into Rita’s book and surviving a “personal financial pandemic
28:22 What the AFC® means to Rita
32:52 Rita’s final 2 cents

Show Note Links:

Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF)
Determine if your employer qualifies for PSLF
Temporary Expanded Public Service Loan Forgiveness (TEPSLF) Summary of Changes
Submit a Request for PSLF Reconsideration
PSLF Help Tool
Dr. Green’s website & book
#AFCPE22 in Orlando, FL
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