My spark for financial literacy arose from Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace high school curriculum when I was 16. I was captivated by how freeing a budget could be! Fast forward, in college I worked at a non-profit called Rapha House that provides aftercare and safe houses for victims of human trafficking internationally. As the Donations Coordinator, I saw how generous people made lasting impacts on young survivors across the world by simply making gifts to Rapha House apart of their monthly budgets. I also saw first-hand how human trafficking often stems from poverty, and I wanted to do my part to break that cycle.

Now, I work at a social services outreach non-profit as a financial coach in the Kansas City area. I work with families with low income, most with only disability or social security as their monthly income. I love empowering those with lower incomes to be able to achieve their financial goals and overcome barriers to financial success.

As for the future, I hope to continue my education and become an AFC® to better serve my clients and continue providing tools and support to individuals overcoming poverty.

~ Kristian Brennon

#MyFinLitStory #FLM19

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April 01, 2019

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