#FridayFollow – Inspiring financial capability through the universal language of Hip Hop

Pamela Capalad, a Certified Financial Planner™ and Accredited Financial Counselor®, is a fee-only financial planner whose business is called Brunch & Budget. Why brunch, you might ask? Pam says that, “brunch gives us the space to have real, open, and vulnerable conversations. It's about getting to the heart of why we're...

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Financial Literacy Month Spotlight: Linda Matthew, AFC®

My Work & My Passion: Helping people get a handle on their finances so that they can sleep better at night.My Hero: My Mom. She taught frugality as a high virtue – that to live within a moderate income isn’t a sad thing, but an accomplishment to be proud of.My Favorite Quote: “The best...

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Financial Literacy Month Spotlight: Karen Serna, AFC® candidate, AFCPE® Member

My Work: Integrate financial education and wellness into the student experience at ACC My Roots: Grew up in Massachusetts and moved to Texas as soon as I could. My Passion: Finding "good deals."  And nature. My Hero: My husband. My Favorite Quote: You must be the change you want to see in the world. ~Mahatma Gandhi...

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Financial Literacy Month Spotlight: Jennifer Griffin, AFC® candidate

My Work: Reporting, Analytics, and System Configuration/Maintenance/Troubleshooting for Core HR, Recruitment and Time & Attendance Modules. My Roots: My roots run deep in the Inner City of Chicago's Westside. Born and raised in Chicago! I started my HR journey as a student supervisor in my dorm's dining hall in college! My Passion: Besides...

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Financial Literacy Month Spotlight: Corrinne McKenna, AFC®

My Work: I assist active duty personnel, retirees, family members and DoD civilians in improving their personal financial status and enhancing their awareness of consumer issues My Roots: I lived on Long Island for 18 years before leaving to go to aviation school in Florida. Then life brought me to various places...

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Financial Literacy Month Spotlight: Amy Tate-Almy, AFC®, AFCPE® Member

My Work: Teaching the federally mandated Personal Financial Management Course for the two Fort Worth Standing Chapter 13 trustees, serving as a facilitator for TEN’S (Trustees’ Education Network) online course, “Finally Financial Freedom!,” and working with laity and clergy within the United Methodist Church to improve their understanding of debt management and their...

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Financial Literacy Month Spotlight: Carlos Langa, Esq., AFC®

My Work: I manage a financial coaching and savings program in Lynn, Massachusetts for a nonprofit called Compass Working Capital, that serves families living in subsidized housing. Our goal is to support our clients to build assets and financial capabilities as a pathway to greater economic opportunity, and out of poverty.My...

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Financial Literacy Month Spotlight: Julie Duszak, AFC®

My Work: Financial counselor for those experiencing homelessness or domestic violence.My Roots: Employee training and knowledge management for the Federal Government- a big jump to where I am now, I know!My Passion: Empowering people who want to make a better life for themselves.My Hero: A therapist who has given trainings on Trauma Informed Work--she goes...

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Financial Literacy Month Spotlight: Jean Marie Dillon, CFP®, AFC®

My Work: Everything but rocket science and brain surgery. My Roots: Sweet Home Chicago Going back further: Descendant of Washington’s Army at Valley Forge My Passion: Learning about new things, people, and cultures through travel and photography. My Hero: Malala Yousafzai My Favorite Quote: “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about....

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Financial Literacy Month Spotlight: Vanessa Bright, AFC®

My Work: Financial Literacy Counseling and Education at a Women's prison My Passion: Work with inmates and ex-offenders to help them make better choices and provide them with second chance opportunities. My Hero: My parents My Favorite Quote:  Today your life is the result of your attitudes and choices in the past. Tomorrow your life will...

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Financial Literacy Month Spotlight: Steve Brubaker, AFCPE® Member

My Work: Financial truth teacher, counselor, coach, & change agent My Roots: Over 25 yrs. in the financial services industry as a licensed financial advisor, in a private financial planning practice. (In addition to over 20 yrs. of pro bono financial counseling at the same time.) My Passion: Telling people the truth about...

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Financial Literacy Month Spotlight: Eileen Maier-Jones, AFC®

My Work: Finance, financial awareness, financial fitness My Roots: 1st generation immigrant to the U.S. My Passion: Finance, fixing up / rehabbing houses My Hero: Myself (50 year old woman who never gives up, raising 3 children essentially alone while my husband is gone for years with the Navy) My Favorite Quote: "When you get to...

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