Jing Jian Xiao

It is my pleasure to serve as the editor for Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning starting in 2014. JFCP has helped my career development greatly during my growth from a young professional to a mature one. It is time for me to help the journal to achieve more successes... Read More >

Aimee D. Prawitz and Judith Cohart

Based on the life-cycle theory of consumption, this quasi-experimental study of 995 employees examined changes in financial behaviors following employee-needs-driven workplace financial education. Repeated-measures ANOVA compared participants and non-participants on perceived financial wellness and savings ratios; main effects indicated that both groups improved pretest-to-posttest on both variables (p<.001). A Wilcoxon... Read More >

Tim S. Griesdorn, Jean M. Lown, Sharon A. DeVaney, Soo Hyun Cho, and David A. Evans

Utilizing data from an Internet survey among low-to-moderate-income households in several states, this study examined the link between behavioral life-cycle (BLC) constructs and financial risk tolerance. The results of ordinary least squares regression indicated a positive association between financial risk tolerance and several factors that measured the BLC constructs. Respondents... Read More >

Mary M. Bell, Jeffrey S. Nelson, Scott M. Spann, Callie J. Molloy, Sonya L. Britt, and Briana S. Nelson Goff

The present study examined the impact of financial resources on soldiers' well-being. Using primary data gathered from a large Army installation in the Midwest, results suggested that soldiers with higher credit card debts and lower perceived net worth had lower levels of subjective well-being. Soldiers with greater perceived financial knowledge... Read More >

Sharon M. Danes and Yunxi Yang

The purpose of this article is to assess and interpret the use of theory within the Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning from its inception in 1990 through 2012. During that time, only 39% of research articles explicitly identified a theoretical base to guide the study's research question. Almost half... Read More >

Terri Friedline

A question of interest in children's savings research asks whether there are unique effects on children's later savings when savings accounts are opened in their names earlier in life, either independently from and or simultaneously with accounts in which parents save on children's behalf. Using longitudinal data from the Panel... Read More >

Ivan F. Beutler

Wealth growth opportunities are difficult to observe using traditional financial statements. In this case study, an analysis using a wealth-sensitive balance sheet and income-expense statement is presented to help identify corrective adjustments that promote wealth growth. Adjustments involve the application of straightforward financial practices such as paying off debt, living... Read More >

John De Graaf and David K. Batker

What's the Economy For, Anyway? provides a thought- provoking wake-up call about a myriad of U.S. economic challenges and discusses their impact on the lives of ordinary individuals. The book is highly recommended for anyone who teaches or conducts research about the gross domestic product (GDP), household spending, credit and... Read More >

Carl E. Van Horn

Four words immediately came to mind after reading Working Scared: 'I feel your pain.' From its dedication to 'American workers' and continuing throughout its 195 pages, this book presents a collection of sobering statistics and revealing interviews about post-Great-Recession America, the changing American labor market, and lingering effects of the... Read More >