Why Get Involved?

In the recent edition of the AFCPE newsletter, both the Executive Director and the Board President spoke of the reasons that they stay engaged with AFCPE. Members make choices as well. Share with us the reasons that YOU stay involved and engaged with AFCPE. We’d love to hear them and...

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The Impact of the New Laws on 21 yr olds

1. Have you seen ways in which credit card companies are still marketing to consumers under the age of 21? 2. Is new law that says you have to be 21 years old with the exception of income or "co-cosigner, good or bad? Is it holding young people back from...

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Foreclosure Survival Guide

Some of you who work with clients facing foreclosure may already be familiar with The Foreclosure Survival Guide by Stephen Elias, published by Nolo. For those who have found it to be a useful reference, and those who may know someone with questions about foreclosure, I thought I would point...

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Money Management Techniques for Kids

What effective techniques can you share for teaching kids good money management habits and any research conducted in that area? William H. Dwight October 28, 2010

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Potential of Social Networking

Thought I would share a great article in the latest edition of Psychotherapy Networker that explores the potential of social networks. I found it to be an inspiring piece and it got me to wondering how you other members are using these social technologies in your work as researchers, educators,...

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Guidelines for Participating in Employer Contribution Savings Programs

What guidelines are accepted for how to save/invest in company-contribution savings programs such as 401Ks when the person changes jobs every 2-5 years? Are strategies different than when you expect to invest in the same 401K (or similar vehicle) over 10-15 years? What do you need to know in terms...

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How vs. What

When was the last time you focused on the "how" instead of the "what" of your practice? As financial educators and counselors, we often find our practice revolves around providing answers and information to those we serve. After all, bad advice or inaccurate information could mean financial ruin for someone....

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New Year’s Resolution

How many of you have made progress on those New Year's resolutions? And more importantly, how many of your clients or program participants have? What are people doing that results in their making progress toward a resolution or goal? How is that different than what those not making progress are...

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Effects of Unemployed Teens

Unemployment for Americans aged 16 to 19 is at an all time high – 27%. It’s a segment of our workforce that has been hard hit by the recession, yet largely overlooked. Though unemployment among adults is a pressing matter, the long term affects of unemployment among our youth is...

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Free Income Tax Assistance Tool

Please be aware of a new tool that helps clients find free income tax assistance anywhere in the nation: http://extension.missouri.edu/hes/taxed/vitasites.htm The search tool allows you to narrow your search to a state and the counties and cities within that state. Andrew Zumwalt, M.S. Director of the MoTax Education Initiative University...

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Reaching Out to New Audiences

The importance of financial education cannot be overstated, especially in preparation for life changing events such as marriage. The research shows that conflicts regarding finances is still the leading factor to divorce. What ideas and proven techniques can you share to help reach pre-marital clients so that they are armed...

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Book Reviews

Please share your favorite book suggestions: 1. children's books that help teach an important life lesson or 2. adult self help books to recommend to clients. Brenda Vaughn Director of Financial Literacy September 09, 2009

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