National Military Spouse Appreciation Day!

In honor of 2015 Military Spouse Appreciation Day, AFCPE is proud to honor the incredible work of the FINRA Foundation Military Spouse Fellows. Since the program's inception in 2006, military spouses have provided hundreds of thousands of hours of financial counseling and education to our military service members, military families and veterans....

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NEEDs and WANTs: Finding a Balance

Sometimes we just need to get back to the basics. What is your definition of a need? How do you define a want? A popular movement in America is the minimalist approach. By their lifestyle and desire to be free from debt, many are getting rid of all but the...

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Financial Literacy Day on Capitol Hill

Taking Part in the Greater Solution As we say goodbye to April and Financial Literacy month, we reflect on numerous wonderful events that many of you probably participated in to promote this topic so dear to us. These events have all grown out of one special event, Financial Literacy Day...

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AFCPE’s Field Research Survey

Initial Results and Continuing the Discussion As Financial Literacy Month comes to an end, we are excited to share the results of AFCPE’s Field Research Survey. The survey results represent the collective ideas and insights from practitioners, researchers and educators in the field of personal finance. AFCPE Members were eager...

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Spotlight: 2014 AFCPE® Mini Grant Recipient: Clinton Gudmunson

Supporting the implementation and dissemination of the student driven savings app, SaveIt! Each year AFCPE® awards the Mary O’Neill mini-grant of $2,500 toward the implementation of an innovative, high-impact financial education project. In 2014, the grant was awarded to Clinton Gudmunson, an assistant professor in the department of Human Development and Family Studies...

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April is National Financial Literacy Month

AFCPE: Building the Bridge from Research to Practice The goal of the Financial Literacy effort is to provide consumers with the knowledge and skills they need to make good financial decisions on their own. Individually, as financial researchers, educators and practitioners, you are regularly focused on the financial literacy effort. Working collectively,...

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AFCPE Membership Spotlight: Madeleine Greene, AFC®

Membership Spotlight: Madeleine Greene, 2014 AFCPE® Financial Counselor of the Year Madeleine Greene is an award-winning educator, speaker, author, TV and radio show host and value-oriented penny pincher at heart. In 2014, she added AFCPE Financial Counselor of the Year to her list of accolades. As a longtime, active member of...

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A (Simple) Solution to the Widening Wealth Gap

Drum Roll…. The rich are getting richer. We know, next subject please. We can whittle away a lifetime wishing our grass was as green as that next door--too many of us do. Instead, I think I know what the next subject should be, and it’s NOT being taught or talked...

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The Most Under-Utilized Tool for Gaining Control of your Finances

Working part time as a PFC, I help military families regain control of their finances.  Some come to see me as an order from their commander while others come voluntarily, looking to regain control of their finances.  Whether it is a young single airman or a more seasoned couple, the...

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15 Easy Frugal Living Tips that Lead to Savings

Sometimes the easiest ways to save money fall close to home. For so many, just the thought of changing a spending habit in order to save more money causes a cold sweat and heart palpitations. But if you get creative, saving money can be easier than you think. Below a...

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Two Organizations Shaping the Landscape of Financial Literacy

A primary focus of America Saves week is for organizations to promote good savings behavior among individuals nationwide, and a large aspect of this promotion is building awareness and providing education. In order for individuals to increase savings and begin to build a strong financial foundation we must first provide...

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Broaden Your Strategies for Saving

Rational explanations for not saving typically follow expressions like: “I’d like to save, but…”, or “I think saving is important, but…” Intuitively, we know we should save. The importance of saving is often passed down through scripture, or through fables, and learned at an early age. Yet saving largely remains...

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