Get to know new AFCPE Board Member, Jen Hemphill, AFC®! Jen has been active in the AFCPE community since 2008, when she became a FINRA Foundation Military Spouse Fellow. As an AFC, Jen is passionate about helping women become confident and take control of their money. As a board member, she is focused on providing more tools and resources for private practitioners.

AFCPE: What led you to a career in personal finance?

Jen: An email from my husband. As a military spouse I was always looking for something to do that I could take with me on every move. He sent me an email about the FINRA Foundation Military Spouse Fellowship program and the rest is history.

AFCPE: What are you most proud of in your work/career?

Jen: Creating a platform with my podcast that has reached and impacted the lives of thousands of women across the world.

AFCPE: What are you passionate about outside of work?

Jen: My hobbies: dancing, working out. Causes I’m passionate about helping: domestic violence, cancer research, human trafficking, immigrant issues.

AFCPE: How have you been involved with AFCPE throughout the years?

Jen: I’ve served on the Career Task Force, participated in virtual meet-ups, volunteered free financial counseling, and served as a mentor.

AFCPE: What are you most excited about accomplishing during your time on the board?

Jen: Doing more for private practice in terms of tools, support, and resources – both for active private practitioners, and those thinking about starting a private practice.

AFCPE: What would you say to someone who is thinking about becoming an AFCPE Member?

Jen: Becoming an AFCPE member helps you increase the value of the precious time you invested in getting your AFC®, FCC®, or AFCC®. There are so many options to get involved!  You can participate in the virtual meet-ups, the interactive message boards, or even join a dynamic task force.

Jen Answers the Friday 5:

  1. My Why: My boys. I want to set the best example I can be for them so they can become the best version of themselves.

  2. My Favorite Quote: “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” ~ Maya Angelou

  3. My Hero: Mi Abuelita Matilde

  4. My Favorite Personal Finance Resource: Money as You Grow from the CFPB

  5. My Best Advice:
    • For someone starting the journey to financial well-being:

Think about what you want your life to be and prioritize what is most important for you right now AND makes sense at this season of your life.

    • For a new professional entering the field: 

You don’t need to be a jack of all trades. Focus on the areas that light you up the most.

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