Interview with Jessica Moorhouse, AFCC®

Jessica Moorhouse is a money expert, Accredited Financial Counsellor-Canada® & podcaster. Jessica talks to us about her passion, the ups and downs of being self-employed and her experience hosting the Mo’ Money Podcast.

AFCPE: What inspired you to enter this field?

Jessica: My passion for personal finance, because money isn’t about the numbers, it’s about freedom, choice & opportunity.

AFCPE: Tell us about being self-employed and the Mo’ Money Podcast.

Jessica: Being self-employed certainly has its ups and downs. The first year was tough, but year two (which I’m currently in) has been amazing! In year 1, it’s all about really defining your business and learning the best income streams to pursue. For year 2, it’s about focusing on those parts of your business that earn the most and bring you the most joy. And one of those parts of my business is my podcast called the Mo’ Money Podcast.

How lucky am I that I get to chat with celebrities (like HGTV’s Scott McGillivray), experts (like The Globe & Mail’s Rob Carrick), and authors (like Preet Banerjee, Bruce Sellery, Chris Gillebeau) and earn an income from it!

But really, the best part about being self-employed is that I get to dedicate myself full-time to what I believe is my calling. My calling is to help others take control of their lives by taking control of their money. So many others before me inspired me to live the life I wanted by managing my money the right way, and now I want to help others do the same.

AFCPE: We love your mission and your passion! What’s next up? What’s got you most excited?

Jessica: I’m going to continue with my podcast, making it bigger and better. I also am focused on doing more public speaking and in-person workshops. Last but not least, I hope to get the wheels in motion to publish my first book.

Jessica answers the Friday 5:

1.     My Why: Helping others achieve financial security so they can live their ideal life.

2.     My Favorite Quote: “The most effective way to do it, is to do it.” – Amelia Earhart

3.     My Hero (who inspires you): My mom. She was my family’s money manager and instilled some great values in me growing up. It’s because of her that I’ve always known the value of a dollar, that hard work is important, and why budgeting is vital.

4.     My Favorite Personal Finance Resource: Millionaire Teacher by Andrew Hallam. It’s by far my favorite book. It talks about frugality, investing, and financial independence in a way that is real but also inspiring.

5.     My best advice:

  • For someone starting the journey to financial well-ness: There are 4 key things you need to start doing ASAP. 
  1. Make a budget/spending plan for yourself.
  2. Start tracking your spending monthly.
  3. Track your net worth monthly.
  4. Review everything once a month.

These are the cornerstone things you need to do to get clarity with your finances and set up a solid financial foundation for yourself.

  • For a new professional entering this field: Never forget who you serve. Yes, you’re in business and you want to earn an income, but it’s always important to remember why you got into this business in the first place – to help people in need so they can eventually help themselves. This will make it easier to sign on new clients and understand where clients are coming from. It’s also important to remember that although you’re comfortable talking about money, most people aren’t. Ease in to the conversation and do more listening than talking.


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June 08, 2018

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