Sponsor Spotlight: NEFEWelcome to the 2022 Sponsor Spotlight series! As we prepare for #AFCPE2022, November 16-18, 2022, we are excited to introduce you to our incredible Sponsors! Learn more about the organizations you’ll find in the Exhibit Hall this November.

  1. Who are you?

At the National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE), we are champions of effective financial education and are the independent, centralizing voice providing leadership, research and collaboration to advance financial well-being. As one of the first organizations to embark on the mission of wholly dedicating its efforts on improving the effectiveness of financial education, NEFE continues its legacy of strengthening action-oriented research agendas, mobilizing intermediaries, and creating better solutions for researchers, educators, practitioners and policymakers.

  1. What are you looking forward to as an organization?

We are celebrating our 30th year of operations in 2022! We have used this milestone to discuss and explore how far we have come as a field, as well as look to what the future holds for the next 30 years.

Moving forward, as part of our organizational goals for 2023 and beyond, we will continue our commitment to being what the field needs us to be. Right now, we believe that is as a strategic leader who invests where it is most needed to advance the field. We are looking forward to developing strong strategic partnerships, funding exciting research projects, codifying the role DEI initiatives play, and expanding our audience through collaborations with other industries.

  1. Why is financial capability important to your organization?

Financial capability is the combination of effective financial education and opportunities to use that education to move toward financial well-being. Over the past three decades, we have seen first-hand how financial capability moves the needle in improving peoples’ lives, and we see it as our responsibility to use our platform to take this concept as far as we can.

  1. This year we are celebrating #30YearsofAFC. How has the AFC® certification impacted your organization?

The AFC is an incredibly valuable training tool to build expertise in financial topics and to understand how to best work with individuals and communities to make meaningful change in their financial wellbeing. Several NEFE staff members are AFCs, and as an organization we have sponsored more than 100 individuals in the field to pursue the certification. The AFC continues to build the quality of the professionals engaging with learners and clients in this space.

  1. How can financial professionals get involved with you?

Those interested in learning more about our expertise and thought leadership can visit www.nefe.org, follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn, and sign up to receive our email communications.

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