Cherie Stueve

Locating affordable continuing education (CEU) opportunities is a treasure hunt for AFC®s and other types of professionals. National conferences—such as the annual AFCPE® Research and Training Symposium—are great ways to learn, network, renew virtual relationships, and travel. But the downside is time off from family and work, as well as the... Read More >

Jennifer Lear

In the seven years that I have worked as a financial counselor, I have counseled over 1,000 people. Daniel and Lisa, a veteran and his wife, were one of my greatest success stories. They are in their 40s and have two children, ages 4 and 14. I have never met... Read More >

Stephen Newland

How many of you are like me in that if you don’t have a calendar invite or a task written down then it doesn’t get done? I can think of at least 30 different tasks or meetings that are repeating on my calendar (okay, maybe I’m a little obsessive about... Read More >

Andrew Zumwalt

In 2017, a tax bill was introduced in Congress called the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017” but was renamed “An Act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to Titles II and V of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018.” The change was required by the... Read More >

Laura Hendrix

Like it or not—as a consumer, you are being nudged. Someone is actively trying to influence your decisions. Some of the obvious examples are advertising, visual merchandising, and sales tactics.  In the book, Nudge, authors Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein describe how choice architects can nudge consumers toward... Read More >

Task Force

Journal Articles The AFCPE® Research Task Force has a lofty agenda for 2018. The biggest contributions you will notice from the task force are related to theJournal of Financial Counseling & Planning (JFCP). We are actively reading, summarizing, and creating what we believe to be the key takeaways for  practitioners from the... Read More >

Carrie L. Johnson

As someone who is interested in how practitioners can change clients’ financial behavior, I have been looking to the use of nudge theory. Thaler and Sunstein wrote a book called Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happinesswhich is featured in this quarter’s book review. While searching for research related to... Read More >

Jerry Buchko

I feel like I just finished writing one these for the Spring issue! Now I look up and it’s already time for the Summer letter. Where does the time go?! Speaking of time, AFCPE is celebrating the 25thanniversaryof the AFC©mark at the Symposium this year! A quarter century of growth and... Read More >

Rebecca Wiggins

Each time I sit down to write this article, I am amazed at how quickly time passes and how busy the AFCPE staff is! We are excited to share just a bit of what we’ve been up to the first half of 2018. 2018 Strategic Planning In June the Board... Read More >