“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ― Margaret Mead
The theme of the 2016 AFCPE Symposium, November 16-18, in Louisville, KY is “Racing for the Triple Crown: Achieving Accreditation, Educating Clients, Changing Behaviors.” While naturally coordinating with the Louisville venue, the theme is also a celebration of our achievements in the field, the important work of our professionals in educating clients, and our ongoing efforts to impact long-term behavior and social change. Because, whether you realize it or not, you are part of a larger movement of social change within the field of personal finance.
The work you do every day to educate and empower your students and clients has a profound impact on individual lives and our collective culture. In this way, each one of us can claim the title, “change agent.” Together, we are creating a shift in this country around financial security and capability, particularly for underserved and vulnerable populations.
As a result of the changing landscape and growth of the organization, the AFCPE® Staff, Board of Directors and membership thought leaders gathered together this Summer for an important strategic planning meeting. From this process emerged a new mission, values and guiding principles, and vision statement to better articulate our purpose and leadership in the field:
AFCPE MISSION: To ensure the highest level of knowledge, skill, and integrity of the personal finance profession by certifying, connecting, and supporting diverse and capable professionals who serve communities worldwide.
AFCPE ENVISIONS a future where all people – regardless of income or background – are empowered to achieve lasting financial well-being through the highest standards of financial counseling, coaching, and education.
We invite you, as partners and professionals, to join us in fulfilling our vision. Help us to build this important continuum of professional financial care for all individuals and families and to impact lasting social change.
This October:
Share your #IamAFCPE story. We challenge you to make a 1-minute video and share it far and wide. Let others know about the work you are doing and why you are committed to this shared vision for social change. Follow our YouTube Channel to get an idea of the diversity of our vast community and the impact that each and each and every one of you is making in your own unique way.
This November:
Join us in Louisville, KY for a week of training, research, and outstanding speakers with field updates and best practices. Network, learn and grow alongside a diverse field of colleagues.
We are excited to share much more about AFCPE’s strategic goals and program updates, including a focus on:
- Marketing and brand awareness for our programs and professionals.
- Research initiatives both internally and externally to better lead the field of financial counseling, coaching, and education.
- Career opportunities for our professionals, and enhance our technology for greater efficiency and value.
Continue to be part of our movement for social change around financial security for all people. Help us build and strengthen a continuum of care across the field – with financial professionals and other partners who believe that all consumers deserve access to the highest standards of professionalism – and continue to advocate for comprehensive standards and create awareness for the value of the AFC® in your areas of influence.
Together, we will launch into next year well-equipped to continue our visionary work and improve the field.
Rebecca Wiggins
AFCPE Executive Director
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