#FridayFollow: Meet Rahkim Sabree, AFC Candidate
Rahkim is a financial coach and consultant focusing on financial trauma and financial empowerment for people who look like him. Read more about his work and journey as a current candidate.
What led you to a career in personal finance? And what inspires you to continue doing this work today?
I started working in banking completely accidentally in 2011 and stayed for 10 years. During that time I have met with different people and have learned so much about the different ways people view and interact with money. In my own independent financial education efforts I realized that not only could I make a difference in my community by discussing the literacy portion of finance, but also our psychological relationship with money. I’m encouraged to keep doing the work everyday with every interaction I have and new connections I make because the world of personal finance is always changing.
You are currently an AFC candidate. How did you learn about the certification, and why did you pursue the AFC?
A friend of mine took the exam and became an AFC. After inquiring what it was and how she intended on using it I realized that it was aligned to the work I was already doing and decided it was the logical next step for me. Being passionate about the education portion and our psychological relationships with money is not as mainstream as it should be in my opinion even though our beliefs and thoughts about money have such a huge influence on our behaviors. I want to help make that change.
What have you enjoyed most about the program so far, and/or what would you say to someone considering pursuing the AFC?
I have loved the sense of community I’ve found with the program, the teachers, and other AFC and AFC candidates. I would say it’s like one big family and no matter your focus or background you belong.
Tell us about a project or initiative you are currently working on.
Since joining the program I run a weekly newsletter called “Overcoming Financial Trauma”, a podcast of the same name, and I’ve started contributing to Forbes personal finance on the intersection of wealth, mental health and race. I intend on continuing to grow my influence and sharing what it is I’ve learned and continue to learn to help people identify and overcome their financial traumas. (rahkimsabree.substack.com)
What is the best way to connect with you (social links, etc.)?
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