Adrienne Taylor, AFC® is a Personal Financial Manager (PFM) at Naval Air Station in Jacksonville, FL. She helps people understand the basics of finances and teaches them how to build wealth and not be in debt.
AFCPE: What inspired you, or led you to, this career path?
Adrienne: My family has had two generations of divorces and so I’ve always been interested in what keeps marriages together. Knowing that one of the biggest stressors in a marriage is finances, I took it upon myself to learn more about finances in hopes to break this cycle whenever I decide to get married.
My mom was a single parent, and is one of the most intelligent people I know. Her degree is in engineering and she is literally a rocket scientist. However, when I was in high school, she lost her job for about three years. I saw firsthand the devastation and how much it hurt to live with little income. Because of that, I tried to help out where I could. I got a job, began to learn more about finances, and started managing her bank account, and, after my grandmother passed, I began to manage my grandfather’s account as well. I helped him with online bill pay since my grandmother did the check writing. In doing this, my interest in personal finance grew.
AFCPE: Tell me about your current role as a PFM and what led you here?
Adrienne: In college, while studying economics, I learned everything I didn’t want to do – I didn’t want to sell insurance. I didn’t want to sell stocks. I didn’t want to be a financial analyst. While in Pensacola, I had the opportunity to work in personal finance at the world’s largest credit union – and I loved it! I also gave briefs to my sorority and presentations to children about the basics of finances. I later worked with a consulting firm and then someone called me and encouraged me to apply for this PFM position. By this time, I had gained knowledge along with leadership experience and felt ready to apply.
Now, in my current role, I literally help save people’s careers. In the military, it’s well known a priority is being mission ready at all times, which includes having your finances in order to maintain your security clearance. In addition I help those who sacrifice their time by serving our country avoid being taken advantage of financially and learning how to build wealth.
AFCPE: Why did you decide to pursue the AFC®?
Adrienne: The AFC was actually a requirement of my job – I didn’t even know it existed! But now that I’ve started the program, and have seen the value, I even called my old manager and told him, “you need to get your people certified!” What I really like about the certification is the moral statement – you’re acting as a fiduciary and working in your client’s best interest, not trying to sell them products.
AFCPE: When it comes to your work, what has you most excited?
Adrienne: I have the best job in the world. My work literally saves marriages and careers! I also get excited seeing my own family understand finances a little better and the community, as a whole, becoming more open to talking about finances.
The most rewarding/exciting moment to date was a recent brief I had with an Army Reserve Command. It just so happened to fall on the Saturday that my dad, who retired from the United States Army, came to visit me. He joined me at my brief, and it almost brought me to tears to have my dad in the audience learning more about TSP with the same branch of service that he retired from.
AFCPE: When it comes to finances, do you feel like there is a stigma around reaching out for help?
Adrienne: Absolutely. Some people don’t reach out for help because they are embarrassed. They will call and ask for information, but are hesitant to come in. I ensure them that the work we do is confidential. Oftentimes people wait until they have to meet with me in order to save their security clearance. I love receiving phone calls from someone who simply wants to come in and learn more about building wealth, the fund options within their TSP (civilian equivalent of a 401k), and steps to home or car buying.
AFCPE: What do you like to do when you’re not helping people save their money and their career?
Adrienne: I’m kind of a nerd – I love learning more about finances! But outside of that, I have three main hobbies – photography, yoga, and cooking.
Adrienne answers the Friday 5:
- Your Why: To help build wealth and understand the basics of finance to prevent more problems than the world needs.
- Your Favorite Quote: “Those who understand interest earn it. Those who don’t pay it.” ~ Albert Einstein. I also like to say, “Common sense about finances is not so common.”
- Your Hero: My grandmother or my mom. My grandma had a way of making something out of nothing, and if she had five cents, she’d find a way to save three of those cents.
- Your Favorite Personal Finance Resource: The CFPB. They provide a lot of good information for both military and civilians.
- Your Best Advice:
- For someone starting the journey to financial well-being: Know your why and remember your why when things get tough.
- For someone new to the field: Take time for you and always remain a student.
- For someone starting the journey to financial well-being: Know your why and remember your why when things get tough.
Follow Adrienne at:
Instagram: @AcquireMoreAdry

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