For more than 30 years, TG has dedicated itself to providing solutions to help students finance higher education. In recent years, TG has expanded our focus in areas critical to higher education, including financial literacy and default aversion. We offer efficient and innovative resources that broaden college access and promote student access and success.
For financial counselors and nonprofits serving students and families
Providing expert industry training, valuable networking opportunities, and essential professional development, the TG Annual Training Conference helps attendees maximize their knowledge and enhance their student services. This year’s conference theme — Rethink: Strategies. Solutions. Success. — highlights TG’s commitment to making access and success in higher education a reality for students and families. Scheduled for April 23-25, 2013, the conference will take place at the Omni Austin Hotel at Southpark.
The Conference Agenda has been tailored to provide value to all who share TG’s passion for assisting students and families in their educational endeavors, including:
• Financial counselors
• Employees of nonprofit organizations
• Middle school and high school counselors
• Financial aid and student services professionals
TG staff members and industry experts will share useful information over three days within specific learning tracks, including Default Aversion and Financial Literacy Strategies, College Access and Success, and Professional Development.
Sessions of particular interest to financial counselors and nonprofits include those listed below, along with several TG Train-the-Trainer sessions on TG Financial Literacy Program mini-modules, including College Costs and Investing in Undergraduate Education.*
Tuesday Sessions
• Private Loans 101
• Identity Theft and Fraud and An Update from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
• Staff Motivation and Today’s Multi-Generational Workplace
Wednesday Sessions
• Financial Literacy Best Practices
• Strategic Approaches for Improving College Completion, Challenges for Undocumented Students and Completing the TASFA Form,
• Social Media Strategies for Student Communication and Stress and Counseling
Thursday Sessions
• College Resources, featuring Mark Kantrowitz, Author and Publisher,
• Financial Aid Awareness and FAFSA Status Tools
• TG’s College Access and Financial Literacy Resources
• Counseling Students: An Appreciative Inquiry
Learn more and register today at Information and Register
Register before March 22, 2013 to take advantage of early registration fees. To speak with someone directly, contact Judith Cunningham, TG event planning coordinator, at (800) 252-9743, ext. 2905, or send an email message to
*The TG Financial Literacy Program is Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) approved to be used to teach Texas students basic skills and concepts of money management. Graduates of TG Train-the-Trainer classes are eligible to teach these topics and to use free financial literacy materials provided by TG in their classes.
TG Train-the-Trainer session participants who are Accredited Financial Counselors (AFCs) can also qualify for continuing education units (CEUs) from the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education (AFCPE).
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