The Standard Newsletter
Brenda Vaughn
As I write this article, I’m looking out of my window at a beautiful spring day. The flowers are blooming, the grass is a scenic shade of green, and the ever so subtle layer of pollen covers just about everything. I never used to have allergies, however, in the last... Read More >
Rebecca Wiggins
Spring has officially sprung in Ohio, after a mild but long winter. AFCPE® achieved record growth last year with certification and symposium attendance, and 2017 has not slowed in pace. Here are some of the exciting things we are working on! Program Updates Building the Bridge to Investor Education and Protection... Read More >
Jill Anne Spence
Mini-Grant The 2016 Mary O’Neill Mini-Grant pool was one of the most competitive in recent years, with 13 applicants. This year, the grant funding was awarded to John Grable, Michael Thomas, Michelle Kruger, Kimberly Watkins, and Kenneth White at the University of Georgia for Expanding Middle School Financial Education in Diverse... Read More >
Adrienne Ross
Dr. Jennifer Hunter, University of Kentucky at Lexington, gave an engaging presentation about the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Estate Planning Workshop Series She shared the programmatic format, content, evaluation, and grant support that has reached over 1,000 participants thus far. Other than education, one mission of the series is to dispel... Read More >
Adrienne Ross
Michelle Kruger, who is pursuing her Ph.D. in Financial Planning, Housing, and Consumer Economics at the University of Georgia, conducted a study investigating the impact of expecting an inheritance on families’ retirement savings and readiness for retirement. The study had mixed results. The hypothesis was that individuals who received an... Read More >
Adrienne Ross
The reigning AFC® of the Year, Patsy Collins, MA, AFC® led an entertaining and informative one- hour journey through effective cyclical marketing strategies to grow your financial coaching business. Ms. Collins opened with wit and wisdom and the observation that “Money is personal. And it’s very secret.” As financial counselors, we... Read More >
If we can reach people at key decision-making moments—when they are making choices about where to live or work, or how to educate their kids or themselves—we can have a great influence on their financial decisions. The book What It's Worth identifies the community partnerships we can build to reach people in... Read More >
On July 12, 2016, the Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center hosted the release of the 2015 National Financial Capability Study (NFCS), in collaboration with FINRA Investor Education Foundation. This survey provides new insights into the personal finances of American families, from day-to-day money management to long-run financial planning to managing... Read More >
It is not news that the most important predictor in a successful therapeutic/ counseling relationship is that of the skills of the counselor, not the condition or presenting issues of the client. Behavioral science is a gold mine of information regarding strategies that the professional has total and exclusive control... Read More >
The 2016 AFCPE Annual Symposium kicked off with an audible gasp. Justin Draeger, President of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, delivered the Welcome Session and dropped a bombshell: those most likely to default on student loan debt owe $5,000 or less. For an auditorium full of Accredited... Read More >
Andi Wrenn
Drs. Kristy Archuleta, Lance Palmer and Joseph Goetz from the Financial Therapy Association provided examples of behavioral health techniques applicable to both mental health and financial counseling and illustrated a collaboration model when both types of expertise might be needed. The facilitators began with an illustration showing that both behavioral and... Read More >
Meghan Gardner
The Armed Forces Services Corporation (AFSC) Financial Coaches Pre-symposium encompassed a holistic overview inclusive of everything from presentations on time management and organization in case management to presentations on working with vulnerable and homeless populations. Experts from many different organizations were invited to increase the level of knowledge with the... Read More >