Donna Colfer

Artificial intelligence (AI) will impact our immediate future job displacement. While there are benefits to adopting new technological changes for the economy and society, they have the potential to disrupt the livelihoods of millions of Americans. Andrew Yang is the Founder and CEO of Venture for America, a fellowship program... Read More >

Forrest Baumhover

In the military, we face this decision more than most civilians. We buy a house because we intend to stay in it for a while. We hope that we can hold it long enough to actually have the value rise over time, then either rent it or sell it for... Read More >

Lorna Saboe-Wounded Head

As with any population group, it is difficult to identify the cause of issues that influence the well-being of individuals, families, and communities that are unique to that group. American Indians and Alaska Natives (AIAN) are no exception. Geography, economics, community infrastructure, social structure, and history are factors that influence... Read More >

Colin Ryan

Before Tony Robbins gives a speech, makes a call, or coaches a client, he bounces on a trampoline. A big part of my work is studying what motivates people to change their lives. This year, I had the unexpected pleasure of getting to know Tony Robbins through the documentary “I... Read More >

Rebecca Wiggins, Dedrick Asante-Muhammad

Research shows that the average wealth of white families has grown 84 percent over the past 30 years, which is 1.2 times the rate of growth for Latino households, and three times the rate for black households. It is projected that by the year 2043, when people of color will... Read More >

Kristen Berman

A commonly held belief is that education leads to knowledge, which then leads to action. However, a meta-analysis of nearly 200 financial education programs, completed by Professor John Lynch and his colleagues in 2014, found that “financial education interventions explain only 0.1% of the variance in financial behaviors.” Said another... Read More >

Brenda Vaughn

Another year has come and is almost gone. The years seem to fly by and resolutions that were made on January 1 seem so far away. I hope the year has brought you happiness and success, whatever that is to you. I have no doubt each of you has helped... Read More >

Rebecca Wiggins

It’s that time of year again: Symposium planning is in high-gear! We hope you will join us in sunny San Diego for another symposium of exceptional education sessions, cutting-edge field research, and tools you can use in your everyday practice. Our program theme is “Bridging the Gap,” building off our... Read More >

Jinnifer P. Ortquist, LaShawn Brown

Financial counselors often work with clients who have low credit scores. This harsh reality may negatively impact options available to better their financial stability: obtaining stable housing, employment and affordable sources of credit. However, gaining a clear understanding of the low credit score—whether caused by personal choices or consumer fraud—is... Read More >

Lisa Ware

Written by Joshua Becker “You may have picked up this book hoping for ideas about decluttering your house. You’ll get them, I promise … More time, more money, less stress, less distraction, more freedom. It all sounds appealing doesn’t it?” In his book The More of Less, Joshua Becker spends... Read More >

Michelle Pimentel

Knowledge about investments is not intuitive and it is not uncommon or surprising that our clients have plenty of misconceptions and confusion regarding their own IRAs. When helping a client understand their accounts, or make initial choices to fund their IRAs, it is important to keep this in mind and... Read More >

Robert Weber and Elizabeth Martinéz

There are four essential aspects on which a  homeowner should focus in order to prevent foreclosure. There is no particular order for these steps, though all can be addressed as necessary throughout the foreclosure prevention process. Open and Consistent Communication—Establishing and maintaining open and consistent communication between the client and... Read More >