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Advancing Food Security for Military Families (OneOp)

Webinar / Online Meeting Online Meeting

The program is a 90-minute asynchronous course. Advancing Food Security for Military Families is a self-paced course developed by national food security expert Dr. Angela Odoms-Young. Use this professional development opportunity to expand your capacity to support food security among the military families you serve. Learn about existing initiatives that address food insecurity in military families. Examine the multilevel factors […]

Predictably Irrational Book Study

Webinar / Online Meeting Online Meeting

Predictably Irrational Book Study Hosted by Andi Wrenn Join us for a six (6) week opportunity to apply what we learn in reading this book and applying it to working with clients in personal finance. Helping clients with everyday financial decisions, savings on autopilot, planning for purchases and investment decisions. The book and research by Dan Ariely, Predictably Irrational explains […]

Financial Counseling for Clients in Urban Settings

Webinar / Online Meeting Online Meeting

Financial Counseling for Clients in Urban Settings Join Gwen Hartstein, an AFC Candidate who counsels clients in New York City, in a discussion of the many financial considerations facing those who live in cities. Living in an urban setting changes a person's needs, including what type of housing is available, how they intend to commute, the accessibility of services, and many […]

Diversity and Inclusion: Empathy or Sympathy?

Webinar / Online Meeting Online Meeting

Dr. Michael Thomas uses the platform of empathy and compassion to illustrate how diversity and inclusion efforts are most effective from a place of empathy - not sympathy. During this talk, Dr. Thomas unpacks the differences between empathy and sympathy, the effects on diversity and inclusion based on these lenses, and how to utilize empathy in your diversity and inclusion […]