The Standard Newsletter
Rebecca Wiggins
Spring is in the air, and this year the glimmers of hope extend beyond warmer breezes and colorful flowers. After a tumultuous and isolating year, the vaccine distribution progress is encouraging. Hopefully before too long, we will be able to be back together in community. As much as we have... Read More >
Meredith Lozar, AFC®
As we settle into 2021, we find ourselves in a time filled with flickers of hope and moments of frustration. We realize that perhaps change isn’t coming as quickly as we thought. However, settling into the new year also gives us an opportunity to look back at how far we’ve... Read More >
Becky Smith, Ph.D., FFC
I am a White, 50-year-old who identifies as a female. I was born in Flint, Michigan. When I was nine, my family moved to Anaheim, California. As a first-generation college student I earned three degrees in economics: undergraduate at Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA, and graduate training at Louisiana State... Read More >
Jacquie Carroll, Ed.D., AFC®
In this issue, AFCPE’s Research to Practice Task Force is introducing a twist to the typical research brief. This format is designed to summarize the research, share personal realizations from a practitioner, and encourage dialogue amongst researchers, practitioners, and educators. As you read research, ask yourself: Did you have an... Read More >
Carolyn Strong, AFC®
The Wealthy Gardener by John Soforic is an enjoyable allegory. It is about a young man who purchases a small plot of land with his savings. He tends regularly to it, reinvesting in the soil and crops for numerous years. Through diligence, prudence, and hard work his small plot of... Read More >
Luisa Fitzgerald, AFC® & Starlett Henderson, AFC®
Every year AFCPE honors our members’ abilities to innovate and support the field of financial education, research, and practice. Having an awards program helps AFCPE recognize and celebrate the outstanding practitioners and organizations that have increased access to quality programs and shared ideas to impact the wellbeing of our population.... Read More >
Shari Evans, AFC®
It’s hard to believe that we’ve been navigating the impacts of COVID-19 for more than 12 months. COVID-19 has had a significant impact on personal finances. As we reflect on this impact, it is important for financial professionals to understand some key legislation. These are the CARES Act and the... Read More >
April Berggren-Batts, AFC®
As parents, we often focus college planning on how to save money to pay for college, but what about ways to pay less for college? The traditional idea of starting college as a freshman, living on campus with a meal plan, and taking in-person classes to achieve a Bachelor degree... Read More >
Gerald Zeigler, AFC®
Clients often ask financial counselors and coaches about taxes and tax situations. Here are some resources and some information you can provide regarding Federal taxes when you aren’t a tax expert. is one of the better government websites. It is full of resources for taxpayers. Here are... Read More >
Meghan Lape-Lefevre, CFP®, AFC®, EA
The LGBTQA+ community is incredibly diverse. The community includes people who identify as men, women, both, and neither. People who are attracted to men, women, both, or neither are also members of the community. Having this unique grouping of people creates its own subculture. This subculture can seem intimidating to... Read More >
Weslia S. Echols, AFC® and Willa J. Williams, AFC®
Generally all professionals should have a list of referral partners. It shows preparation and awareness for the needs of those who seek service from you. There will be times when you are not available to provide the service or when you are not the appropriate one to provide the service... Read More >