Written By: Rebecca Wiggins
Spring is in the air, and this year the glimmers of hope extend beyond warmer breezes and colorful flowers. After a tumultuous and isolating year, the vaccine distribution progress is encouraging. Hopefully before too long, we will be able to be back together in community.
As much as we have a longing for things to return to “normal”, I also hope that we take this opportunity to reflect on lessons we are carrying forward from 2020. What kind of teams, organizations, communities, and country do we want to create?
“We will not go back to normal. Normal never was. Our pre-corona existence was not normal other than we normalized greed, inequity, exhaustion, depletion, extraction, disconnection, confusion, rage, hoarding, hate and lack. We should not long to return, my friends. We are being given the opportunity to stitch a new garment. One that fits all of humanity and nature” — Sonya Renee Taylor
AFCPE is an organization uniquely made up of diverse personal finance professionals from all areas of the field and walks of life — a place where our differences are welcomed and celebrated — a place where everyone belongs. This community is a model of hope — of what is possible when we work together across differences for a common purpose that serves all people, regardless of income or background.
Our profession, and the work you do each and every day with students and clients is more important that ever.
Here are a few ways we are supporting you:
Virtual Career Week & Job Fair to support your career development. We hope you were able to join us for a week-long event with webinars, workshops, networking chats, and a job fair to connect with employers. This event was completely free to you as an AFCPE Member and we plan to host more events like this in the future!
Virtual Financial Counseling/Coaching Initiative to support our communities struggling with the financial implications of COVID-19. This program is extended through the Fall of 2021. Please help us spread the word to anyone who has questions or concerns about their financial situation and would like to connect to a qualified, compassionate personal finance professional.
BOGO 50% Special to support capacity building and professional development in April to celebrate Financial Literacy Month. Buy one Essentials course, get one 50% off. Enhance your knowledge and skills around specific topics to help those you serve: Financial Inclusion Essentials, Military Essentials, Money Management Essentials, and College Finance Essentials. Help us spread the word in your workplace to others who may be interested.
2021 Symposium
- Call for Presenters: Mark your calendars for November 15-19, 2021! Last year’s virtual event was an incredible, interactive event. Submit your proposal to present now through June 4, 2021: https://www.afcpe.org/symposium/invitation-to-present/.
- Sponsor or Exhibit: Share your tools and resources with professionals from across financial education, research, and practice. Or, become a sponsor and advance the mission and vision of AFCPE, or provide scholarships for professionals to attend. Email rdeleon@afcpe.org for more information!
Thanks to each of you for your commitment to the highest standards of professionalism and your ongoing support and participation in AFCPE. We hope to see you soon on an AFCPE webinar or virtual meet up, on the Connected Community discussion board, or online in November!