Sherman D. Hanna and Jonathan J. Fox

Authors: Michael A. Dalton, James F. Dalton, et al. Publisher: Dalton Publishing, L.L.C. Read More >

Sherman D. Hanna

Author: Arthur J. Keown Publisher: Prentice Hall Professor Read More >

Ann Coulson and Carmen D. Steggell

Authors: Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi Publisher: Basic Books Read More >

Susan Coleman

Attitudes toward risk and willingness to hold risky assets are compared for white, Hispanic, and black heads of household using data from the 1998 Survey of Consumer Finances. Results indicate that Hispanic heads of household evidenced a significantly higher level of risk aversion and held a significantly lower percentage of... Read More >

Jinhee Kim, E. Thomas Garman and Benoit Sorhaindo

The present study examined the relationships among credit counseling, financial behaviors, financial stressor events, perceived financial well-being, and health. Data were collected from clients of a large credit counseling organization on two occasions, once in June 2000 and again in January 2002. Path analysis was employed to assess relationships among... Read More >

Angela C. Lyons and Jennifer L. Hunt

This study examines the credit practices and financial education needs of community college students. Community college students were found to have specific preferences for financial education content and how that information should be delivered. Students wish to receive information on financial assistance and how to become responsible credit consumers. Students... Read More >

Sunmee Baeck and Sharon A. DeVaney

The purpose of this study was to examine the determinants of the type of mortgage that households obtain: a conventional mortgage or a federally guaranteed mortgage, using the 1998 Survey of Consumer Finances. Based on the models of mortgage choice by Hendershott, LaFayette and Haurin (1997) and Gabriel and Rosenthal... Read More >

Yoon G. Lee, Cynthia R. Jasper and Karen P. Goebel

Using data from the 1997 National Family Business Survey, this study analyzed 673 family owned businesses. Consistent with other studies, the findings indicated that only 20% had a written succession plan. Among 673 family business owners, only 14% developed a net worth statement and 13% met with a financial planner... Read More >

Caezilia Loibl

Long-term household financial planning requires flexible, realistic financial planning instruments. This study focuses on the simulation of expenditures for discretionary and nondiscretionary goods and services and the incorporation of uncertainty into a long-term financial planning model. Particular emphasis is given to German financial planning literature and consumer expenditure data sets.... Read More >

Rui Yao, Sherman D. Hanna and Catherine P. Montalto

The relationship between meeting the Capital Accumulation Ratio Guideline and retirement adequacy was investigated. About 63% of the households had a consistent relationship between meeting the 25% ratio guideline and being adequately prepared for retirement, with 46% of households both meeting the 25% ratio guideline and being prepared for retirement... Read More >