Headshot of Michele GodfreyGreetings, AFCPE members and friends. I am thrilled to be welcoming in the summer, and I have enjoyed connecting with family and friends I have not had the opportunity to connect with for quite some time. Even though many of us have been able to execute our travel or staycation plans as outlined, I can’t help but acknowledge that prices for many of our daily items, including gas, have increased. It is a constant reminder that individuals worldwide need our services to help them develop financial plans that will allow them to reach their goals. 

Summer is also when many families gather together for Family Reunions. Family Reunions connect generations and offer opportunities for the young to learn from the old and the old to learn from the new. Often reunions include a meal, great discussions, a few games, and opportunities to travel down memory lane.

I look forward to the 2022 AFCPE Family Reunion when we all assemble in beautiful Orlando, Florida, for our first hybrid Symposium, which will commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the AFC credential. The AFCPE staff and our colleagues are working hard to ensure that our Symposium is impactful and creates opportunities for us to connect and truly “Experience AFCPE.” Registration is open now, so don’t delay. Register today!

The work that we do as AFCs is genuinely impactful. We are making a difference in the lives of others, and our expertise helps banks, government agencies, non-profits, colleges, and universities, develop programs and policies that enrich the lives of others. Kudos to each of you and continue to do great work.

Until next time, Peace & Blessings to you, and continue to “Raise Your AFCPE Voice!”


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