Written By: Leslie Green-Pimentel, PhD, AFC®
Hello fellow AFCPE members! Here in the southern U.S. plants and trees are beginning to bloom as our weather tries to decide if it wants to stay cold or warm up. I know many of you are experiencing the same thing and breathing a sigh of relief that spring is just around the corner!
There are a number of exciting things going on in the world of personal finance and AFCPE. America Saves week recently wrapped up with daily focuses on: automatic savings, saving the extra, saving as a family, and saving for the unexpected and retirement. I know there are many success stories out there from those who participated! If you haven’t already, check out the America Saves website. They have a plethora of helpful resources for use year round (https://americasaves.org/).
The Diversity and Inclusion Task Force recently released the Diversity & Inclusion Tool Kit at the March Virtual Member Meet Up. The resources are an excellent way to assess and enhance our views on inclusivity. I recently attended a workshop on the topic of unconscious bias and was surprised to learn how easy it is to engage in biased thinking and not even know it! The tool kit can be accessed by logging into the AFCPE membership portal and navigating to the Membership Dashboard by clicking on the Forms tab. There are also many other resources available through the membership portal. Recordings of all FPA Connect webinars are available under the My Information tab, a number of webinars are advertised under the CEU Library tab (many of which are offered at a free or reduced cost to members).
We’re headed into nominations season! The Nominations Task Force will soon be accepting nominations for upcoming vacancies on the board of directors. A call for nominations will be coming out by email soon. Members are welcome to nominate themselves or another member. The board plays an active role in decision making processes for the organization, ensures the organization is being fiscally responsible, and engages in strategic planning to foster continued growth and development of the organization and its members. It’s a great way to get involved!
There are many other important ways to get involved in AFCPE. Members can submit an article for consideration in the newsletter or journal, join a task force, or even present at the symposium. This year the symposium will be in Portland Oregon (Tuesday November 19th through Thursday November 21st). The theme this year is Rise to the Standard: Connect * Empower * Impact and speaker submissions are now being accepted through June 3rd. Submissions can be made for a poster, a research paper (student or professional), the practitioner’s forum, or the research to practice forum. All are welcome to submit! So, if you have an outstanding project, tool, or approach you have been working on that others could adapt to their work, or if you will be evaluating your program/services or doing some other form of research, or a variety of other ideas, please consider submitting! Our membership does such wonderful, creative, and helpful work and we want to hear more about it! Just click on the Symposium tab to learn more.