Leslie Green-Pimentel, PhD, AFC®

Hello fellow AFCPE members! Here in the southern U.S. plants and trees are beginning to bloom as our weather tries to decide if it wants to stay cold or warm up.  I know many of you are experiencing the same thing and breathing a sigh of relief that spring is... Read More >

Rebecca Wiggins

Executive Director Message As I write this message to you, the sun is shining and the air feels like Spring! The first quarter has been filled with exciting changes and progress towards our goals for the organization and our field at large.  We have hit the ground running with planning... Read More >

Barbara O’Neill, PhD, CFP®, AFC®

In June 2017, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) held a webinar called Principles for Effective Financial Education. In the webinar, the CFPB provided key insights that were gathered through its research and other best practices. The focus was on financial education that results in changed knowledge, skills, and attitudes... Read More >

Jesse Ketterman, Jr., PhD AFC®

Often I hear the question, what is Extension.  Recently I had an opportunity to participate in a bus tour for our state Extension system and thought I would share what I learned.  Extension is the non-formal education system of land grant institutions. The Morrill Act of 1862 laid the foundation... Read More >

Stephen Newland, AFC® Host, Find Your Money Path podcast, Owner, findyourmoneypath.com

January 1, 2014.  My wife, Rachael, and I were heading home from a New Year’s Eve party when we drove past a man sitting at a bus stop. I’ll call him John. At first sight, it looked like he was sitting on the covered bench to protect himself from the... Read More >

Stephanie R. Yates, PhD, AFC®, CFP®

In this collection of research articles, we see the impact of credit education on consumers. All three articles find differences across demographic groups with respect to credit. Younger, older, low-income, and minority consumers tend to have less credit education and lower credit scores or no score at all. This lack... Read More >

Stephanie R. Yates, PhD, CFP®, AFC®

Did you know that seating matters when working with clients? Are you aware of the rule-of-thumb versus the just-in-time approach to financial education? Have you heard of The Financial Check Up, Financial Remedies, and Financial First Aid? All of these topics and many more are covered in Financial Counseling --... Read More >