Written By: Jerry Buchko
I hope the year is off to a good start for each of you. It was a pleasure meeting so many of you at the Annual Symposium in San Diego. Some of us had the opportunity to become introduced and acquainted with one another for the first time, while for others of us it was an opportunity to catch up after having worked together on various task forces and other efforts throughout the year. I hope for all of you who were able to attend that the Symposium that the experience was as informative, thought provoking, and as professionally meaningful as it was for me. After such a rich experience, I am newly inspired to serve as your President in the year ahead.
Speaking for myself and our Board of Director fellows, we are very pleased to announce that Rebecca Wiggins has agreed to continue in her role as AFCPE’s Executive Director for another three years. We will continue to benefit from her proven leadership and capacity to grow and evolve our association.
One of the key areas of growth and evolution for AFCPE has been the increased diversity of professionals who have chosen to join us in our efforts. From those working in academia and the military, our constituencies have grown to include private practitioners and allied service professionals working in federal, state, and local government, in community service agencies and in the finance industry, especially in credit unions.
At the heart of our work together is the common goal to make a positive difference in the financial health and well-being of those we serve, of our communities, and our country. By expanding representation on our Board of Directors, we are both acknowledging our new association colleagues who have joined in our mission and allowing ourselves to benefit from the diversity of their perspectives and talents on a leadership level. As we continue to grow and evolve, this increased leadership capacity will help us better guide our organization and expand the reach and influence of our field, our profession, and our organization in serving this fundamental, common cause of realizing increased financial health and well-being for those we serve.
As your Board, we will convene in June for a Strategic Planning Meeting to take stock of our progress on the initiatives established in our 2016 Strategic Plan. These initiatives have provided the framework for our organizational efforts to this point and we will work out our course for the challenges we can expect as we look ahead.
As always, we invite you to lend your perspective, your voice, and your efforts to our work together as an AFCPE colleague. If you haven’t already, take the opportunity to join a task force to share your expertise and input. There are a variety of projects focused on different aspects of our association and its efforts, something to catch the interest of almost everyone. And if you are especially brave, consider stepping forward to serve on the Board of Directors. It would be a pleasure to work with and get to know you. We could use the dedication and the talents you have to offer to advance the organization and profession.