Although the AFCPE staff is small, most days it feels like a well-oiled machine with such a fabulous team. Our staff is diligent, energetic, intelligent, and deeply committed to this organization and the success of its future. We wear many hats and enjoy the hard work it takes, but we are always here to provide you the highest level of care.  Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Kathryn Carlsward

Katy is one of the newest members of the AFCPE team! In her role as Certification Administrator, Katy supports our Certification Department in various ways to ensure a smooth process for all candidates. She is a proud Navy spouse of nearly 12 years and 2008 FINRA Foundation Military Spouse Fellow. Katy enjoys traveling with her family, reading, and volunteering for Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society, Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity, Junior League, her local community, and her son’s school.

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