The Standard Newsletter
Rebecca Wiggins
Greetings from the AFCPE National Office! The 2014 Annual Research and Training Symposium in beautiful Bellevue, Washington was packed with terrific sessions, cuttingedge research, new resources and a lot of networking! Each year, the Symposium provides an opportunity to celebrate the organization’s growth. This year was especially exciting with a... Read More >
Chris Waclawik
Individuals who have a debt cancelled or forgiven can find themselves in for an unpleasant surprise when tax season arrives. Generally, a debt that has been cancelled or forgiven by a lender must be included as income on that year’s tax return just as if the money had been earned... Read More >
Attiyya S. Ingram
For the majority of clients who meet certain income criteria, a Roth IRA has been their preferred way to save for retirement. Unlike a traditional IRA or 401(k), the Roth IRA allows for the growth of compound interest that will never be taxed. It is this feature, the growth of... Read More >
Jean Chatzky, Barbara O’Neill
The Difference: How Anyone Can Prosper in Even the Toughest Times is not the first book to describe research-based characteristics of the wealthy. Dozens of books about millionaires have been written during the last two decades starting with The Millionaire Next Door in 1996. What sets this book apart is the... Read More >
Ted Digges
There are two mega trends going on right now that have converged to create a terrific opportunity for both the financial services industry and the men and women who have honorably served in the armed forces of the United States. First, the financial services industry has an aging and demographic... Read More >
Jill Anne Ladouceur
This year, AFCPE was proud to recognize Sharon Cabeen as the recipient of the Distinguished Fellow Award. The honor goes to a colleague who deserves our greatest recognition for his or her significant and long-lasting contributions to AFCPE and to the field. It also must represent someone who exhibits the... Read More >
Jill Anne Ladouceur
Outstanding Consumer Information Award Dr. Rita Green is the Family Financial Management State Specialist for Mississippi State University Extension Service where she provides leadership in personal financial education under the broad categories of basic money management, credit control, fraud and identity theft, estate planning, housing, youth financial literacy and homebuyer... Read More >
Katie Leiva, Linda Thede, Tiffany Hays, Mel Stephens, Andi Wrenn
The 2014 AFCPE Research and Training Symposium provided informative sessions on the art and science of financial counseling. If you weren’t able to attend, or you want a refresher, here attendees provide a synopsis of their favorite sessions: Advancing Financial Counseling as a Profession—General Session Reviewed by Michelle Pimentel -... Read More >
Linda Hackleman
An increasing number of baby boomers are already eligible to retire. Many are readily embracing the new opportunities retirement can offer, and others continue working either in full time or part time positions. While there is significant information on the importance of financial planning for retirement, this article focuses on... Read More >
Michael Gutter, Ph.D.
Happy New Year! t was great seeing many of you at the 2014 Annual Research and Training Symposium in beautiful Bellevue, Washington. The week was inspiring with lots of innovative programs and research shared. Most importantly it was a chance to connect with other professionals in various spheres from research,... Read More >
Jennifer K. Rea, M.S., and Virginia Solis Zuiker, Ph.D.
Poverty has been examined through many lenses and has been described as being multidimensional and subjective, in that it encompasses all human essentials for living (Haveman, 2009). A universal goal for many policymakers is to improve the well-being of individuals and families who are in poverty, however identifying and measuring... Read More >