Kristy L. Archuleta, Anita Dale, and Scott M. Spann

The impact of financial concerns on overall mental health has become a popular topic among researchers and practitioners. In this exploratory study, possible associations of financial anxiety were explored using a sample of 180 college students who sought services at a university peer financial counseling center in a Midwestern state.... Read More >

Sharon M. Danes, Michael C. Rodriguez, and Katherine E. Brewton

Grounded in social construction theory, the current study investigates the learning context when studying financial planning in high school by analyzing the nesting of student, teacher and classroom characteristics. Key findings were that three student characteristics (initial financial knowledge, gender, senior grade level), one teacher variable (use of all curriculum... Read More >

Amanda E. Barnett and Marlene S. Stum

Guided by decision-making in families theory, the current study investigated the role of spousal decision-making processes on purchasing long-term care insurance (LTCI) behavior using a sample of married women (N = 292) and men (N = 277) who were not married to each other. Spousal consensus regarding LTCI as a... Read More >


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Kristy L. Archuleta, John E. Grable, and Sonya L. Britt

A path model was developed to test hypothesized associations among financial satisfaction, harsh start-up, shared goals and values, and relationship satisfaction. It was noted that a partner?s perceived financial satisfaction was directly associated with engaging less in harsh start-up discussions and sharing goals and values with the other partner. Harsh... Read More >

Cazilia Loibl and Patti J. Fisher

Despite public support for personal finance instruction in high school, its effectiveness has not been firmly established. The current study investigates instructional approaches as a reason for these inconsistent outcomes by comparing survey responses of business education, family and consumer sciences, and social studies/ economics teachers. The study framework suggests... Read More >

Jodi C. Letkiewicz and Sherman D. Hanna

The current study investigates the impact of substantial economic fluctuations on household portfolios and analyzes how the fluctuations influence households? propensities to meet the capital accumulation ratio threshold of 25%. The 1992 to 2007 Survey of Consumer Finances datasets were analyzed using means tests and a logistic regression. In periods... Read More >

Lindsay Larson Call, W. Justin Dyer, Angela R. Wiley, and Randal D. Day

Recently, national attention has turned to the need for increased financial education, particularly for low-income populations. Incarcerated individuals represent a growing low-income group with unique needs that could likely benefit from financial education. However, few studies have examined the specific financial education needs of inmates, particularly from their own perspectives.... Read More >

Jinhee Kim and Swarn Chatterjee

The current study investigates the association between childhood financial socialization and financial practices and asset choices of young adults, using a nationally representative dataset. Results revealed that childhood financial socialization experiences were positively associated with the beneficial financial practices and financial asset ownership of respondents in young adulthood. Financial outcomes... Read More >

Peter A. Kindle

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Barbara O'Neill

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Elizabeth Kiss

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