Financial Preparedness Pays Off in Emergencies

The resources outlined below were compiled for financial professionals to reference when talking with clients about the importance of being financially prepared for a disaster or emergency.

Financial Preparedness

Americans at all income levels have experienced the challenges of rebuilding their lives after a disaster.

The Ready Campaign, a national public service initiative, compiles helpful financial preparedness resources including the Financial Emergency Fact Sheet and the Emergency Financial First Aid Kit, developed in partnership with Operation Hope to help clients get started with planning today.

Financial Recovery

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) provides great resources to review with your clients when preparing for, recovering from or rebuilding after a disaster or emergency.

Print and share the co-branded CFPB Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Your Disaster Checklist to ensure your clients have the information and documents they need readily available before a disaster or emergency occurs.

Flood Preparedness

No home is completely safe from potential flooding. Having flood insurance can be the difference between recovering and being financial devasted. Talk to your clients today and review the benefits of purchasing a flood insurance policy through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

Financial Recovery

People who make a habit of saving regularly, even saving small amounts, are well on their way to success. provides tips and hints your clients can use to help plan for life events and to be ready for unplanned or emergency needs.  


The Cost of Flooding

Just one inch of water can cause up to $25,000 of damage to your home. See how much a flood could cost your clients. 

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