As I write this article, I’m looking out of my window at a beautiful spring day. The flowers are blooming, the grass is a scenic shade of green, and the ever so subtle layer of pollen covers just about everything. I never used to have allergies, however, in the last six years they have become rather onerous. It amazes me how much can change in our life cycle. That is also true with finances.

As young adults, purchasing a prom ticket or a car might be at the forefront of our minds. As we age, paying for a college education takes precedence, and later a house, then retirement. In the life cycle of AFCPE®, we have moved beyond the car and the education. In the past 34 years, we have developed a real history and are creating a legacy for the future.

Last year, the Board developed a strategic plan for the organization, which can be found on the AFCPE website on the ‘About Us’ page. This year, we have begun working on that plan. To expand recognition and increase demand for AFCPE certified professionals and services, we need to hear from our members. How has the AFC® certification affected your career, compensation, and reputation?

Over the next few months, you will receive a couple of surveys for various initiatives within our organization. The surveys will help us better understand, promote and share the impact that you are making as financial counselors and coaches. The information you provide is important to the future of the organization, and we appreciate thoughtful participation.

Board News

Announcements have gone out for nominations to fill five positions on the Board for 2018. For those who have volunteered, thank you. AFCPE bylaws require representation from each of our constituencies (Military/Government, University, Practitioner/Financial Industry). It is a three-year commitment to serve on the Board and every year, there are Board members whose terms expire. Later this summer, members will be asked to vote for Board members.

As we look ahead to future nomination periods, if you are interested in becoming more involved in the organization through a task force or leadership role, please feel free to ask me or any of the current or past Board members.

Congratulations, Rebecca!

I would like to take a bit of space in this article to congratulate Rebecca Wiggins for completing her MBA. A few years ago, she began the program while continuing her role as Executive Director. Rebecca started at AFCPE in 2005 as the Grant Program Coordinator and became Executive Director in 2012. During her leadership, AFCPE has achieved much success in many aspects of the organization including an increase in membership and certificants, accreditation by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA), and has successfully developed many new partnerships. I am proud and honored to work with and learn from such an amazing professional.

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