JFCP Research Journal
Kevin J. Zimmerman
Barbara O'Neill
Jinhee Kim, Swarn Chatterjee, and Jung Eun Kim
Factors associated with the borrowing behavior of young adults who are transitioning from financial dependence to financial independence were identified. Data used were from the 2009 Transition to Adulthood and its parental companion data set, Panel Studies of Income Dynamics. Results indicate that age, gender, race, and work status are... Read More >
Kevin J. Zimmerman and Carl W. Roberts
This mixed-methods study investigated the influence of a financial management course on couples? relationship quality. Based on family stress theory, we hypothesized that couples who attended the course would report an improvement in their relationship quality, and that greater implementation of the financial management practices recommended in the course would... Read More >
Chris Browning, Michael S. Finke, and Sandra J. Huston
This study explores consumers? ability to accurately estimate the value of a life annuity product. Using a special experimental module from the 2008 Health and Retirement Study, higher levels of financial sophistication and numeracy showed no impact on an individual?s ability to accurately value life annuity benefits. The results suggest... Read More >
Ivan F. Beutler and Clinton G. Gudmunson
The development of two new money-attitude scales measuring entitlement and conscientiousness in adolescents are described. The scales were developed through student and focus group input and from a review of literature on entitlement and conscientiousness as a new adolescent financial education curriculum was being developed. The findings from 265 high... Read More >
Volume 23 (2)
Choosing and Changing Financial Advisors: An MRI Study of Associated Brain Activations
Russell N. James III
Changing financial advisors during an advisor-intermediated stock-market game was more likely during periods of relative underperformance. Immediately prior to changing advisors, brain activation was greater in areas associated with error detection (dorsal anterior cingulate cortex) and number comparisons (inferior parietal and middle frontal gyri). This combination of activations was analogous... Read More >