Written By: Celia R. Hayhoe, Lauren Leach, Myria W. Allen, and Renee Edwards
Attitudes toward credit, money beliefs and behavior and imagined conversations with parents about credit and debt were found to differ between students with and without credit cards. Credit attitudes, the money attitudes of independence, power and inadequacy, and the frequency and pleasantness of imagined interactions were shown to distinguish between students with credit cards and those without. All three credit attitudes and the money attitudes of obsession and retention distinguished between students with four or more credit cards and students with one to three credit cards. Ordered logistic regression was used to model students with four or more credit cards. Nine variables were significant: the affective adn behavioral credit attitudes, the retention money attitude, the frequency of imagine interactions, age, ethnicity, having had instruction in personal finance, year in college, and whether they had a student loan. Keywords: credit card usage, attitudes, imagined interactions, college students
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