Job Location: Remote
Experience Hour Opportunity: Pre-Approved Experience Hour Opportunity

AFC® Candidates can earn experience hours by completing Freddie Mac CreditSmart® Courses. These are online and self-paced professional development courses that are not required to complete the AFC.

Three CreditSmart courses are available:

CreditSmart Essentials

  • Offered in English and Spanish, this course provides consumers with self-paced, personalized learning on the essentials of credit, money management and financial resilience.
  • Eligible for 4.5 experience hours.

CreditSmart Homebuyer U

  • Offered in English and Spanish, this course is a self-paced homeownership education course for consumers that leads to a certificate of completion that aligns with National Industry Standards on Homeownership Education and Counseling.
  • Eligible for 3 experience hours.

CreditSmart Coach Certification

  • CreditSmart Coach is a train-the-trainer program that provides a certification to facilitators who want to teach the CreditSmart Essentials financial capability curriculum to consumers in a workshop or 1 on 1 setting. It is offered in an online cohort and combines self-paced learning with live, instructor-led sessions and interactive activities. Sessions are conducted live and will not be recorded. ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY. If you miss any session, you will not be eligible to receive your CreditSmart Coach Facilitator Certificate.
  • Eligible for 25 experience hours.


  • Experience hours for these courses may be submitted in the ‘Related Training’ category. Candidates can earn up to 10% of their hours in this category. If you have already earned 10% of your hours under this category, you will not be eligible to earn additional hours by completing these courses.

Required Documentation:

AFCPE reserves the right to request additional documentation for any experience hour request.

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