The Standard Newsletter
Rebecca Wiggins
Greetings from the national office! The trace of autumn air signals more than pumpkins and cooler weather ahead -- it means the Experience AFCPE 2020 virtual symposium is just around the corner. Each year, our symposium uniquely brings together professionals from all across the field, and the country. Students, researchers,... Read More >
Ryan Law, AFC®, CFP®
2020 is more than halfway over and the virtual AFCPE Symposium is right around the corner. To say this has been an interesting year would be an understatement. COVID-19; cancellation or changes to the way we do school, work, sports, and shopping; social unrest following the death of George Floyd;... Read More >
Barbara O’Neill, Ph.D., CFP®, AFC®, CHC
The best way to describe this book is to restate its central premise: “Rewirement is the process of changing the way you think about retirement to overcome mental and behavioral hurdles holding you back from a more financially secure future.” At 159 pages, it is a quick read and covers... Read More >
Carrie Johnson, Ph.D., AFC®
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the finances of U.S. households. Researchers and practitioners from across the country are trying to grasp the extent of the impact on household finances. Early research has started emerging that can inform the financial counseling practice as we work to assist... Read More >
Schane D. Coker, M.S., AFC®, FFC®
I can remember being the only black student in many of my classes throughout my educational journey, including the attainment of my master’s degree. By default, I was forced into holding the unwelcomed title of being the “token” representative for those that looked like me or were non-white, both inside... Read More >
Andi Wrenn, AFC®
There is no better way to grow in life than to have a relationship that encourages building up another so they learn and grow. This may seem like a strong statement, but let me take a few minutes of your time to talk about how being in a mentor/mentee relationship... Read More >
When the coronavirus crisis hit the United States this past spring, Americans were immediately thrown into entirely new terrain. As many businesses came to a halt and the virus spread quickly through communities, most Americans were forced to reconsider their health and financial situations altogether. Americans have balanced general uncertainty... Read More >
Sarah M. Ellis, M.S., AFC®
Before COVID-19, I did not offer financial counseling virtually. Occasionally, during a phone call, I would provide financial education. But the majority of my financial counseling meetings were held in person. Flipping from in-person to virtual financial counseling was not as simple as I had assumed it would be. Challenge... Read More >
Matt Driggers
Perhaps now more than in the past, those in the helping profession are at risk of suffering from compassion fatigue. Managing our anxieties and caring for others in distress puts us at risk. It is an unavoidable truth that caregiving hurts. It is neither possible nor wise to avoid this... Read More >
Nyesha B. Burton, AFC®
Unfortunately, COVID-19 has been a really tough financial time for many. Sadly, it could be getting worse as time passes. In the United States alone, there are currently 22 million people unemployed as the pandemic continues to cause problems around the world. Several people find themselves jobless in this pandemic.... Read More >