Rebecca Wiggins

Each year, the AFCPE symposium feels like a celebration of our collective growth and impact, and a chance to reconnect to our mission and to one another. The excitement and passion of our professionals is inspiring and contagious. You would be hard pressed to find another organization full of such... Read More >

Carrie Johnson, Ph.D., AFC®

The keynote speaker Harriet Dominique, President of The USAA Foundation and President of The USAA Educational Foundation, spoke about leadership lessons she has learned during her career at USAA. Harriet began her career in 1989 answering phones and was an entry-level member service representative at USAA. She served in a... Read More >

Stephanie Yates, PhD, AFC®, CFP®

In this session, a panel of presenters discussed issues facing financial counselors and coaches related to the racial wealth gap and what we can do to address it. The panel included: MC Dyalekt, Pockets Change Saundra Davis, Sage Financial Solutions Yolanda Jackson, Force of Life Fayetteville Darren Liddell, The Financial... Read More >

Carrie Johnson, Ph.D., AFC®

Research is essential in determining how to work with clients. Even if you don’t conduct research yourself, chances are the practices and tools you use in your daily lives have been informed by some research. Researchers from across the country know that their work has implications for practitioners and consumers,... Read More >

Carrie Sorenson

For me, finance and finance education became a part of my life unexpectedly. After a Bachelors in psychology and a Master’s in Public Health, I started my career with extension. I applied for a job with University of Maryland Extension focusing on healthy living, wellness, and financial literacy. I was... Read More >

Trish Savage, M.S., AFC®

7TWELVE – A Diversified Investment Portfolio with a Plan, by Craig Israelsen, PhD   AFCPE core skills include guiding clients and offering strategies as they work to achieve their financial goals. This book review is offered as a suggested resource for those with an AFC® accreditation who may need to... Read More >

Barbara Chilton, AFC®

In a recent Associated Press health poll, approximately 10 to 16 million people in the US have reduced physical health due to high debts. For those with self-reported high debt stress, 27 percent had ulcers or digestive tract problems compared to 8 percent who reported low debt stress.  Moreover, the... Read More >

Jesse Ketterman, Jr, University of Maryland Extension, Maria Pippidis, University of Delaware Cooperative Extension

The beginning of the New Year always leads to thoughts about wellness.  For some people it is financial wellness while others think about physical wellness.  Flexible spending accounts, health savings accounts, and health reimbursement accounts can be a tool that helps bridge the gap between physical wellness and financial wellness.... Read More >