Written By: Leslie Green
This year has been filled with a number of opportunities to raise our voices with and for our clients, stakeholders, colleagues, and our various communities. This year I have been honored to raise my voice in partnership with the board of directors and the AFCPE® staff to further the mission of AFCPE and advocate for you and those we serve. There are few places where such a diverse body of professionals can come together, work so efficiently, and contribute so uniquely for a common goal. I greatly respect the work being done in each of the AFCPE membership sectors and the expertise, ingenuity, and collaboration it takes from each of us to be successful.
It has been a pleasure serving with the board of directors this year. Jerry Buchko is completing his term as past president and will be retiring from the board. I wanted to offer a hearty thank you to Jerry for giving so graciously of his time and expertise during his term of service. We will be welcoming 7 new board members this coming year to represent the membership sectors of Financial Industry, Service, and Practitioner. This will be the first time that the newly organized sectors of Financial Industry and Service will be represented on the board of directors. The new board members are: Amanda Wilson, Krista Loew, Warren (Bud) Schneeweis, Don Fulton, Holly Zugay, Don Blandin, and Jen Hemphill.
I am looking forward to attending the symposium this year and learning from all of our invited and vetted speakers. It will be exciting to hear how each has raised their voice and to learn how I can better raise my voice in support of furthering the personal finance profession and empowering those we serve. The symposium provides attendees with a great opportunity to observe many of the task forces in action. If you haven’t served on a task force yet, consider serving in 2020. It is a challenging and rewarding experience. I look forward to seeing many of you soon!
Leslie Green, Board President, AFCPE