Welcome AFCPE Symposium Speakers!

Thank you for sharing you knowledge and expertise with attendees at the 2022 AFCPE Symposium. This page was designed to be a hub for you! Below you’ll find information on:

  • Speaker Training
  • Presentation Format Guidelines
  • Live & Pre-Recorded Sessions
  • On Demand Sessions
  • Poster Session
  • Speaker Registration Info
  • Submitting for Proceedings

Use the side navigation to easily find the information that pertains to you. We will continue to update you here as new information and resources become available!

Speaker Training

XCD Training 

This training video of the virtual Symposium system, XCD (pronounced: exceed). We run you through what your experience will look like the day of your presentation. 

Recorded Trainings

Your Research: Your Story!
A Special session brought to you by AFCPE’s Research to Practice Task Force. Great tips on how to tell a story with your research and engage your audience!

Link to Presentation Slides (Recording available in link below)

Presentation Skills for the Small Screen

Link to Presentation Slides (Recording available in link below)

  • Tips for creating (and keeping!) engagement in a virtual environment
  • The traps of virtual presenting and how to avoid them
  • The fundamentals of compelling storytelling
  • How to create a persuasive presentation structure


Pre-Recording Your Webinar and Handling of Live Q&A

Recording available in link below

Packed with the top ten tips for looking, sounding, and feeling confident while presenting in the virtual environment, this lightning session is what every speaker needs to see. Participants will walk away with their checklist to up their performance no matter what their current level! This session also introduces speakers to best practices for managing this vital section of a presentation.


Effective Facilitation of LIVE Break-Out Sessions

Recording available in link below.

Breakout sessions require loads of audience engagement, creating an unforgettable educational experience. This Lightning session will offer Breakout Presenters the top tools needed to get their audience involved, make their message stick, and leave the audience wanting more.  Session will conclude with the five ways to breathe new life into your breakout session.


Strategies for Managing Roundtable Discussion

Recording available in link below.

Roundtable discussions can be a meaningful highlight of a conference, but without a definite plan, roundtable discussions can feel just like a boring presentation with many awkward pauses. This lightning session will introduce the top tips for running a fruitful roundtable discussion. 

Presentation Format Guidelines

The AFCPE audience is incredibly diverse – with professionals representing education, research, and practice across multiple constituencies. These guidelines were created to help you allocate your time and ensure an engaged audience. 

Please review your acceptance email to confirm your presentation type. 

50-minute Sessions

Research Papers, Student Papers, & Research to Practice

  • Purpose & justification (5 min)
  • Key learnings & takeaways (15 min)
  • Methodology (5 min)
  • Implications for practice (20 min)
  • Questions/discussion (15 min)

Practitioners’ Forum

  • Setup and introduction (10 min)
  • Content (30 min)
  • Wrap-up and questions (10 min)

Live and Pre-Recorded Sessions

Stay tuned! More information for live and pre-recorded breakout session speakers will be provided in the coming weeks. 

  • Symposium Attendance:Expected 500 in-person and 500 virtual. (We are offering 6 in-person breakout sessions and 4 virtual breakouts per time slot.)
  • If the Pre-Recorded with Live Q&A option is selected, please upload your recording to this AFCPE Dropbox will provide additional information for submitting your recording. Your video presentation must be submitted by ______________, or your session may not be accepted.
  • If the Live Webinar option was selected, AFCPE will provide additional details for accessing the platform and preparation.
  • Sound check: All breakout session presenters are encouraged to attend a sound check between 10 – 11 AM ET on the morning of their presentation. 
  • Presentation Slides: Information on uploading slides and/or digital resources will be provided at least 2 weeks prior to Symposium.
  • SAVE THE DATE – Speaker Platform Training – TBD: AFCPE will provide a live webinar to prepare presenters with instructions on running their breakout session, through the Pathable virtual event site. (Recording is available to all Presenters.)

On Demand Sessions

If you were assigned an On Demand* session, please refer to the guidelines below to submit your video presentation. 

*On Demand sessions will be prerecorded and available to Symposium attendees at their convenience. Attendees will be able to message presenters with questions and comments.

Poster Session

If you were assigned a Poster session, AFCPE is requesting a 5 -7 minute pre-recorded description of your poster. Attendees will have the opportunity to watch your presentation prior to the LIVE chat. (*Poster images and recordings must be submitted to AFCPE DropBox by DATE TBD.)

Poster Images that display best: 

  • We recommend PDF files, with a 16:9 aspect ratio (e.g. 2560 x 1440).
  • Because Pathable’s poster viewer has built in zoom controls, the absolute size isn’t necessarily important, but a minimum of 2560 x 1440 pixels will yield clear results. 
  • Note: Pathable does not support Poster Files uploaded via Sharepoint URLs.

Please upload Poster image (as a PDF version) to this AFCPE DropBox Folder. *Please save file with Presenter’s first and last name.

Please be prepared to discuss your poster via LIVE chat on DATE/TIME TBD

  • Poster Session Instructional Video LINK NEEDED

Discussant & Presider Information

We hosted a brief training session (LINK NEEDED) to guide you through what to expect during your assigned session.

Role of a Discussant:

  1. Helping the audience better understand the research. You help build the bridge from research to practice. Make sure you have read the research paper carefully and have taken the time to understand the paper’s contributions, its strengths and weaknesses, and its most salient points that need to be conveyed to the audience.
  2. Helping the Author and/or Presenter(s).
  • Introducing their presentation. (Either prior to live session, or after their prerecorded session has aired, prior to live Q&A)
  • Keeping time
  • Monitoring the chat (both in Zoom and in Pathable, our virtual platform, for Q&A).

We recommend the Discussants also read the paper prior to the session to summarize the paper’s main message and its contribution and help simplify the paper’s technical contribution if it is difficult to understand. You should be able to find the author and a link to their paper in this GoogleSheet (link to sheet coming soon!).

Role of a Presider: 

  • Introducing their presentation. (Either prior to live session, or after their prerecorded session has aired, prior to live Q&A)
  • Keeping time
  • Monitoring the chat (both in Zoom and in Pathable, our virtual platform, for Q&A).

Note: Both Presiders and Discussants should login to your session 20 minutes early. 

Speaker Discount Code

As a thank you for presenting, please use the code: CODE TBD at checkout. This will take $50 off your virtual symposium registration fee. Link to Register for Symposium.

Note: This discount is only available to our breakout and poster presenters.


Proceeding Submissions are due by DATE TBD.

Research Papers and Posters: 
Authors of accepted proposals are expected to submit their final, revised manuscripts in the correct format for publication to the Proceedings* by DATE TBD

For Research Papers, the maximum length is 25 double-spaced pages, including tables, charts, figures, and references. Paper submissions should follow APA Guidelines. Tables, charts, and figures should be integrated into the text, and the body of the paper should start immediately under the abstract. In addition, running heads will not be used. All pages should be numbered. Pay special attention to section headings, citations within the text, and references.

Practitioners’ Forum
Authors of accepted submissions are invited to submit a two-page summary of their presentation for the Proceedings. This deadline is DATE TBD

Why submit to the proceedings as a practitioner? 
Because it’s a great way to ensure your findings and ideas are available to each and every Symposium participant, regardless if they are able to view your presentation in person.

Uploading Instructions

By DATE/TIME TBD, please submit your final paper submission for inclusion in the Symposium Proceedings, using the process below.  

  • Log in to your account HERE,
  • Use your email address and RegistrationID to log in (Found in your acceptance or submission emails)
  • In the “Session Information” Link – Highlighted by a *, please upload your FINAL SUBMISSION in a WORD DOC then click “Save”.
  • Please carefully review AFCPE’s LINK NEW GUIDELINES 2023 and follow the preparation and submission instructions exactly.

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