AFCPE® has a strong network of financial counselors, coaches and educators available to support members of the press.
If you are looking for an AFC® (Accredited Financial Counselor®) to be an expert source for your article or news story, please use the contact form at the end of this page to submit a query for expert sources to assist you with your assignment.We do our best to get the word out under tight deadlines, but please note longer advance notice yields the best response rates.
Please contact AFCPE® for:
- A Professional Source
- Research
- Information on Financial Counseling & Financial Coaching
4 career-enhancing certifications
- AFC® — Accredited Financial Counselor®
- AFCC® — Accredited Financial Counselor Canada
- FFC® — Financial Fitness Coach®
- APFC™ — Accredited Personal Financial Coach
3,200 certified professionals worldwide
- Including educators, researchers, counselors, military, coaches, and more.
1,450 devoted AFCPE® Members
18 Leading-edge publications and resources
- Including our semi-annual research journal, our quarterly newsletter and our Monthly Minute e-newsletter.
20 AFCPE® Staff and Board of Directors
- Setting the strategic direction to support our professionals and the field.
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